Unsolicited Cat Pics

Kirk Cameron needs to shut up and make me a damned sandwich.

Hahah! This is why you will both live happily ever after.

They look like they should be going door to door trying to talk to us about Jesus.

Never heard of them but thanks for the tip. I hope they deliver to Canada!

Not to mention shoes! I’m currently trying to find sport sandals for my 4 and 6 year old girls that they actually want to wear. There are piles of colours for boys but my girly girls want pretty shoes. I want them to actually be able to play in them this summer without breaking their toes.

Yeah. And I feel like if you have to seek out someone of color to try and convince people that you’re not racist...chances are you’re pretty racist.

I sure as shit hope so! I have 3 little girls and we all adore their father.

Hahaha! Totally! I’m pretty sure if anyone saw the texts threads my sister and I have sent to each other or come across one of our spats they’d think we were horrible white trash. But really, we love each other and have each other’s back anytime someone else tries to pull that shit with us.

Right!? I had to do the same when my oldest was little. She was determined to get herself killed by running into traffic. People gave me side eye so often I wanted to yell, “so I guess I should just let her die? You know, to avoid your judgement?”

My Dad got knocked out cold by one of our horses while he was far out in the pasture once. He woke up to our very loyal and upset dog whining and peeing all over him.

Well at least they’re honest folk who don’t expect to get their rocks off for free!


Am I the only weirdo that doesn’t care whether or not they sell body parts for medical science or not? If one of my (planned and precious) children who I adore died I would want whatever science needed from them to be used to help others. Because we’re an ethical family who care about the general well being of

I’m a dual American-Canadian citizen living in Canada. My husband and I talked about moving to the USA a few times. Recently my husband said (after a conversation about all the women’s health restrictions and the treatment of women in general), “honey we have three daughters, and a move down there could have real

LOVE that!

My sister did her last clinical work term for her pediatric OT degree at an autism center in LA. She said she had a decent number of patients who were not vaccinated but still have autism anyway. It blew the parent’s minds and it really gives people a head scratch when they try to blame vaccines for autism. As not

I live in Canada and would work outside the home if it made financial sense. By the time my husband and I pay for daycare for our 3 kids we would actually end up taking home less money (and pay way more tax) if I worked full time. So I’m stuck (obviously not horrible since I actually enjoy my children but I can’t

What!? Noooo!!!

I always wondered how that went down. I mean Cruise has the money and power of “the church” behind him. He’s the leader’s friend. If exceptions could be made for anyone to be able to see his kid I imagine that it would be him. Maybe Kate knows something really good they don’t want getting out?

That’s exactly what I say too! Had 3 babies who are now great kids and still would have happily grew them in a jar. Pregnancy and child birth sucks!