Unsolicited Cat Pics

This is also a really good point. I guess it’s easier to believe we are all the same if it’s coming from a place where you haven’t had to struggle because of how you look. I think in my situation, the very few people of colour I know haven’t had to face what people in the USA do in their lives because they are fairly

I think that is a great perspective and what my friends who aren’t white would say. But my husband and I have had many a wine fueled chat with our Jamaican or Asian or South American friends while all our kids are passed out in a puppy pile in front of “How to Train Your Dragon” on the pullout in front of our TV. My

I am white and from rural Canada. Therefor I have absolutely no idea what it feels like to be a person of colour. I don’t have “many friends who are black” and wouldn’t dream of trying to say that I get it or that I can speak for them. I don’t understand why more politicians can’t just admit that and move on to trying

It’s hyperemesis gravidarum. I had it with all three of my pregnancies and when the Duchess got it too it was the only time I ever felt empathy for any of the royals. It’s an absolute nightmare. Picture the worst case of sea sickness or unrelenting stomach flu you’ve ever had then multiply it by 100. Without IV fluids

To be fair I don’t think his personality is the reason why the ladies like him.

Well said fellow history nerd!

This is so true. When I was doing my history degree I came across a lot of old letters from the Victorian era showing that when women got pregnant they would make a point of writing “just in case” letters to their loved ones. Dying in childbirth or having at least the baby fail to make it through was not something

There’s a name for it. “Orthorexia.” My mom had it when I was growing up. I was literally terrified of candy as a child. It was all kinds of screwed up.

We’re out there! You just have to single us out of the herd. Usually we’re the ones gracefully exiting when words like, “toxins” show up in conversation.

My mom is physical therapist and her old practice used to have tons of patients coming in who had been screwed up by chiropractors. To this day she practically spits that they are allowed to refer to themselves as “Doctor.”

You’re right and it’s totally not okay no matter where you’re from.

The level of inhumanity it takes to treat victims like this absolutely boggles the mind.

Once in university I wrote, “buck a shot night forever!” across my boobs with a bunch of other 21 year olds when there was talk about the province demanding the local bars remove that Thursday night benefit for the safety of the community. We were young and feeling like we could really make a difference in the world.

You’re right. The person behind the sheet was living and holding the kid.

To be fair rural Canada’s health care access for pretty much any condition sucks hugely. Our health care is free but if you live in a place with a low population you’re going to need to travel or wait until you’re already dead for what a lot of people would consider basic services. Where I live the wait list for a

Exactly! My husband and I are both educated professionals with 3 adorable little girls. Trying to find a rental that isn’t horribly gross and unsafe while still trying to pay off our student loans is a nightmare. We’re one missed paycheck from the streets. The majority of our friends in their 30's have opted never to

Do you think he ever uses a pick up line like, “I’ll let you into my box if you let me into yours.”

Lately there’s also been some pretty shady practice going on in the diagnosis of Autism. My daughter has mild Tourette’s Syndrome and some anxiety issues (she is otherwise completely normal and her pediatrician is confident she’ll grow out of it) but I’ve had more than one person in both the school system and two

True but I’m not sure what the alternative is. Be distant towards her and not become attached to the baby who comes to them and they raise for 5 years? If I was in their situation I would feel the same way. Which is why I know I can’t foster. So I guess the only people who should are those who are able to not love and

That’s also all I can think about. The same thing happens all the time in Canada. Since when is it remotely okay for a “temporary” foster home to last 5 freaking years! This is nuts. Clearly none of this madness involves any officials giving a rat’s ass about the well being of the children.