Unsolicited Cat Pics

I agree that’s one of the major problems with cases like these. I imagine jurors are stuck wondering, “how certain am I on the mere possibility that this may not have happened.” I admit I find the whole concept of reasonable doubt difficult to grasp. What exactly is a “reasonable” amount of doubt and wouldn’t that be

Right!? If anyone handed me a document and said, “Quick you have 5 minutes to read it before you make a decision! GO!” I immediately would hard pass no matter what the initial first sentences read. How is this difficult for supposedly educated people!?

Wow. My opinion of her actually just went up.

I feel like I need to buy one and put it in a keepsake box somewhere along with my Hillary and Bernie buttons so that when I die my great grandchildren will find it and argue over what to do with it.

Please tell me this is an actual thing.

Nicely done sir. Keep that up!

Definitely a possibility. However you still never touch a service animal. You walk away before you do that.

When I was watching the movies I couldn’t get past them having mind control technology but didn’t seem to have decent shower or laundry machines.

I think you’ve touched on a good point. My mother works in an old folks home and said that the lonely elderly we often feel sorry for are commonly avoided by their families for a good reason.

Yeah my husband is super grossed out by the whole schoolgirl fetish thing. Playing predator=Not hot.

When I was pregnant with my third daughter I can’t even count the number of people who thought it was okay to say things like, “Ohhh you must be so disappointed.” And my personal favorite (by the nurse in the hospital who delivered her), “Don’t worry, you’re still young enough to have more.” Our go to response was,

Talk about forcing a life plan on someone who doesn’t even have life yet!

I know I’m probably missing something but for me if I were married to someone and still able to be “very close friends” during and after the divorce I would probably not be getting divorced.

From what I understand the police they sent to look for her ended up magically becoming high ranking members of the cult after they reported she was fine.

A lot of religious organizations regularly do horrific things to children but nobody cares about them because “religion.” The authorities need to grow a pair.

A misdemeanor? For leaving a deadly weapon where a kid can get it!?Really!?

LOL!!!! Sorry. I realize I’ve totally missed your point but what else can you do but laugh at that?

Hold up! Bloody tampon earrings!? Did she buy these or make them herself? I must know!

Sadly I know a lot of middle aged women and even some younger women who think this way as well. Many times my beautiful and well educated sister has been mercilessly pushed towards dating men she explained she wasn’t attracted to/interested in by our aunties, friends and even our own Mother (who was a fighter of a

This is brilliant. I’m stealing a copy.