Unsolicited Cat Pics

Holy hell! The “haaappppy biiiirthday” and clapping made me want to vomit. Treating the elderly like they are children is the ultimate disrespect.

My husband and I talked about this before we got married and I told him that for me, having him cheat isn’t so much what ends the relationship but a sign that the relationship is already over. If we’ve tanked things so much that one of us makes the leap to cheating then really we have no business being together

Oh. My. God...I just can’t even. Clearly this comment is of little help but please accept my condolences anyway. I have 3 daughters and the thought of them facing something like that is terrifying.

That’s what was suggested for me as well. My doctor sort of explained it as, “If this were the old days you wouldn’t be having periods for years on end anyway because you’d likely either be pregnant or breastfeeding constantly.” Makes sense when you think about it that way.

I’m sorry this is happening to you. I personally didn’t even realize this was so bad until after my third baby and my returning period pain felt like labor again. The doctor seemed to think that taking birth control pills but not doing the pill break and just continuing to block my period, then let it happen just once

Reminds me of the time as a teenager I caught my grandfather stealing my mom’s Victoria Secret catalogs. Awkward!

It also wasn’t considered a pregnancy until the mother felt the fetus move.

Agreed! I want her to teach me magic!

Last time we were in the USA (Oregon) in a restaurant my husband needed to change our baby and only the ladies bathroom had a change table so he took her in there because we were in a hurry and I had my hands full with our other kids. Some middle aged white lady walked in on him mid diaper change and flipped out like

Agreed. I openly fed my babies wherever but when we were in public my two year old liked to wait until her baby sister had latched on, then bolt like it was her last chance at freedom.

Yeah that was one of my first thoughts too! This was covered!? WHAT??

You’re not wrong. I would never in a million years even let my child inside a home that had guns unless I personally inspected how they secured them. But then again I’m in Canada and I don’t really know anyone who has a gun. Think of it like wanting to see how they install a car seat. There’s some mistakes otherwise

Yes! Exactly! I don’t know a single person who didn’t drink up until they knew they were pregnant and even had a glass of wine now and then throughout the pregnancy. Every single one of those kids are healthy and thriving. Some even graduating with honors. If these sort of recommendations keep cropping up that are so

It’s because they don’t have prayer in schools anymore. Prayers in school totally could have prevented this. (note sarcasm)

I agree and don’t get it at all! This is where I part ways with my lovely (and adorable and smart and loving!) republican pro birth American relatives. If someone “makes” me have a baby that I can’t afford I damned well expect them to help me pay for it! And yes, the cases of women and girls being treated like garbage

Right!? I wonder if it occurred to them that maybe she’s the kid sending nude photos because she’s being raised by the type of parents who think it’s okay to beat her.

Is it possible for people forced to have the babies to sue the government for support? I mean if they are being denied a legal medical procedure based on religious grounds (when from what I understand the government isn’t even really allowed to do right?) why isn’t it the government’s responsibility to help the

Naive question from someone who lives in Canada. Is the government going to start massively increasing resources for families of the babies being born with serious long term disabilities and health issues? I know people with mildly special needs children and even with the government support, they can still barely

Every war has turncoats.

Has anyone else noticed that Anderson Cooper has the best but polite “you’re a fucking moron” face?