1000 times yes. And not just for developmentally delayed people.
1000 times yes. And not just for developmentally delayed people.
Totally! Thank you! I know people who adopted a 4 year old who had been allowed to stay with a developmentally delayed mother and her parents (same scenario of sketchy child services history) until they finally took custody away based on severe and long term neglect. Finally the red flag showed up when the kid ended…
This is why I can’t believe in an all good interfering God. Because if he is anything like these horrible people say then he would have smote all the adults a long time ago.
Thanks. I understand what you say about the adults not having boosters is probably quite real in some countries but in Canada and in the province I’m in, all people can get their vaccines and boosters free and fairly easily. Also, children tend to be little petri dishes as it is. And adults aren’t likely to crawl up…
No kidding! These same people who don’t want schools to teach proper sex ed are cool with pre schoolers coming home and being like, “what’s an abortion?”
If I were one of those parents I would be bringing a lawsuit. This was absolutely unacceptable.
I might sound like a complete jerk but I don’t associate with people who don’t vaccinate and I don’t let my kids play with their kids either (at least outside of school because I have no choice there). In the past I’ve been polite and honest with people that we have family members with suppressed immune systems and we…
Preach! Even when my oldest daughter was reacting so badly to my breastmilk that her intestines were bleeding and she nearly died I had people tell me, “Well can’t you just restrict your diet more and try again?” Because apparently taking that risk again was better than the hypo allergenic formula that she was…
My friend called me drunk and understandably upset from a pub in Amsterdam while travelling a few months ago. He told me he walked in on two people trying to have sex in Anne Frank’s room.
Agreed. My sister works in public health very far north and says the level of starvation, especially among the children is a national embarrassment.
My daughter was born in South Korea and was vaccinated against TB as a baby. From what I understand the vaccine’s effectiveness has been questioned and because of the vaccine she’ll always come up positive on scratch tests so she’ll need to have a chest x-ray for any routine screening. I feel like in the west we see…
Good for you! And I agree this shouldn’t be a thing anymore. I have three daughters and my 4 and 6 year olds are constantly asked by strangers and non strangers if they have boyfriends. Nothing else but that. Society needs more women like you. My daughters need more women like you. That being said, if you find love,…
Yes! I have several male acquaintances in their mid 30's who have said, “I’m not too worried, I make good money. I’ll just find some hot 20 something yoga instructor and have babies later on.” It is possible that somewhere these guys are being sold on an impossible dream. Possibly because women in this day and age…
Well, on the other hand considering how many young Dads are absent by choice and aren’t providing financial support either, the older wealthy Dad thing doesn’t really jump out at me on the spectrum of selfish parenting.
No kidding! And good parent would be freaking out. However I feel like if that was my 12 year old and her manager was going there, she’d never see him again.
I’m seriously waiting for Trump to give a huge, “Just kidding! I only did all this to see how far I could manipulate the cow eyed masses, and you should all be ashamed of yourselves” speech. Any time now....any time!
I’d be interested to hear how previous contestants feel about sharing such deeply personal and difficult things only to have their career go nowhere. I’m not saying it isn’t their right to share but I just wonder if there’s regret later on.
Exactly! Thank you!
My husband is a programmer and comes home with all sorts of hilarious (and upsetting) stories about how his co workers are actually internally awkward 30 year old teenage boys who are still terrified of “girls.”
Glad to know that wasn’t just me.