
This is a hugely important point. This piece is alongside a giant blue chicken and the Cherryspoon Bridge. They construct a mini-golf course in the Sculpture Garden in the summer. Context!

I know its original intent, but its undeniable that that intent has been completely lost on Wall Street and has, instead, been taken as a mascot for their questionable virility and power.

Men sure are emotional and irrational lately. I think we need to stop letting them make statements, run things, and read the news until we can get a handle on what’s happening.

Any possibility of changing the photo to the heroes in this case, rather than he whose name should be forgotten?

Behold the “logic” of a Trump voter:

After being viciously verbally assaulted by a white supremacist and watching 3 people be stabbed - one to death - right in front of me, I would GTFO too.

Stories about people standing up for themselves/others and being punished for it depress me more than anything else.

Terrorist. Lets call him a terrorist because that’s what he is.

Evidently there was also an incident with Macron in which maybe he should have spoken English in front of Trump, but chose to speak French instead.

The best part of that handshake today was when Macron totally pulled back and then slapped Donnie’s arm at the end. So fantastic I wanted to be French.

I actually think this is a lot closer to the truth.

Seriously! Macron is the youngest French leader since Napoleon. And Canadian politicians have never looked like Justin (even his old man was more charming than actually attractive). They’re just a bit more compelling than, say, Chirac and Chrétien.

Yeeessss. It is a little weird. I just made a similar comment about it down thread too. I think it’s because we’re supposed to respect the office. And oogling is not dignified lol. But then I remind myself I also appreciate him for his mind and his ideas and his actions, and so feel vaguely less guilty about it. I

Trudeau: Did he try that handshake bullshit on you?
Macron: Oh yeah, he totally did. Thanks for the tips.

MACRON: How is it that your clothes fit so impeccably? You must tell me!

Don’t forgive the early voters; he was still a creationist who believes that dinosaurs died in the Noah’s Ark flood :/

Whatever tiny shred of hope I had in American democracy is gone now. There are no longer any standards. It’s just whether the candidate has a D or an R next to their name. Why bother voting anymore? What a joke.

I know, early voting yada yada, but this country and its voters just fill me with despair and disgust.

Oh my God. Stop pretending to care about the safety of women. If you really cared about the safety of women, you’d open more Planned Parenthood clinics so women can have access to health care, birth control and safe abortions!