
Good lord. Here’s hoping you never, in your life, find yourself alone with another human being; you need some serious help given that you think you can reduce all of human experience to figures and statistics—and particularly in that you think you’ve got an entire sex sorted out as a bunch of mercenary cock-hunters

Wow dude seriously get some fucking help you sound like a serial killer

To all y’all barking at me in from the greys,

Before things really pop off in the comments, here are the official 2017 US Department of Labor/ Bureau of Labor Statistics findings on wage earnings based on gender and field of work if you wanna look at them:

oh for real? I can deal with save potions and wonky animations but that? Dealbreaker, guess that’s why he was promoting it so heavily with Youtubers on that gamedeal service. Something seemed fishy about that.

There’s also the fact that the lead developer is a gamergater asshole misogynist, but I guess there’s no need to mention that.

also, the developer is pretty fashy in his politics, and they seem to bleed over into the game a bit. real shame.

“So first of all, kicking your ass is important for you to feel important when you manage to kick their ass”

So you got me thinking and nothing came up on a reverse image search on multiple platforms (which is weird since “attractive young woman” would have a giant database and be shared among creeps everywhere, I would think). But then I looked at the image closer.

Everything is about SJWs when you are an entitled snowflake bigot asshole.

Indie developers are often running on extremely tight budgets.

“we need a ‘diversity’ slider in the options. It will make the character progessively [sic] darker more feminie [sic] and less sexy.”

Great game, but what a shitty person. As if “improving the core game” and doing whatever little production necessary to make the protagonist a woman (I didn’t even realize he was a man until I saw a silhouette of the mohawk — and even then, I’ve seen women with mohawks!) aren’t mutually exclusive, you can do both. And

It could go a step further, could be a profile pic of the a preteen anime girl. He has yet to peak.

Given Cleveland’s leading ass Twitter question, I suspect that not only were they aware of Chylisnki’s disgusting attitude, but they embraced it until he was too stupid and messy in public. I will not be buying this game.

Wait so I’m confused, it’s a guy but the profile picture is of a woman so I’m therefore guessing it’s some picture of an attractive woman he found online?

Her eyebrows are fine, sit down. Find something else to insult and stop being so basic by insulting her appearance, or go home.

As someone who spends more time in the character creator than the game, I totally empathise here. I absolutely HATE when that creation doesn’t turn out the same in the in-game engine. Especially when I have to play through some 20 minute intro before I can even see them (side eyes Destiny).

so there’s literally no way to make this game look bad, is that correct

Delete your account, troll.