
Man, Xianghua has so much booby bounce for such small boobs that I’m legitimately worried that Ivy will black her own eyes.

They were hard to watch. Honestly, they were hard to watch in The Force Awakens as well. Even Harrison Ford’s performance seemed a tiny bit... dialed-in? Fisher’s more so, but then add to that her distorted speech. Mark Hamill’s performance in TLJ was the least cringe-y. He did a great job, but it was Luke’s character

So Padme was racist too?

I like that even less.

It’s fun to notice that your original, very hyper-specific complaint of

The issue was that she managed to survive an explosion that blew up and killed literally everyone else on her ship.

Further, she was floating in space, uncovered, for an indeterminate amount of time. I don’t know about you, but nowhere in any of the other movies did we see even the strongest Jedi/Sith existing in the

I was bored (and I’ll admit a little drunk) so I forced my wife to sit through some of TPM with me while I complained and referenced what worked and what didn’t, fast forwarding through parts that were totally unnecessary. Most scenes with Amidala were okay except for all scenes on Tatooine and in space.

I mean, at least Portman was one of the parts of Phantom Menace that wasn’t shockingly racist.

She was fine, but flying through space with the force was, how do I put this politely, very stupid.

I like the fanwank that suggests that she was being Kilgraved by Anakin the entire time. He was (probably subconsciously and accidentally) using the Force to seduce and manipulate her, which is also why the Jedi Council forbids romantic relationships because there’s no good way to tell if a Jedi Knight is simply

I’m going to shoe horn this horrible opinion in here.

I thought Carrie Fisher’s scenes in TLJ were hard to watch.

She stayed with Anakin after he slaughtered a village of Sand People. She stayed with Anakin after he slaughtered a temple of Jedi. She was complicit in genocide.

The biggest problem with Padme’s characterization is that she falls in love with Anakin.

I think she’s a great character that’s forced into a bad relationship for plot reasons.

I don’t understand how Padme can fall for a guy who is a) creepy, b) fascist leaning, and c) a murderer.

The best thing about the current Star Wars comics is that they actively embrace the prequels. The worst thing about the current Star Wars movies is that they actively brush away the prequels.

There’s a beautiful bulldog contest in Des Moines every year. People show horses, rabbits, cows, and all sorts of other creatures in 4-H.

You can appreciate the aesthetics of a well-bred (and therefore probably healthier) animal - especially one which was important to your ancient society - but it’s easier to call it

For me, it’s more about a pattern of behavior than any particular case. This case is small, but not all of them are, and Bungie promising transparency and failing over and over is worth noting.

Little things add up. There have been multiple instances of misinformation or obfuscated mechanics about systems designed to throttle progression/collection in this game. Given that it’s a full-priced game with DLC that’s paid most of its attention to microtransactions, all those little things paint the picture of

I am one of the biggest Destiny stans out here. Dig into my comment history and you’ll see.

Huh. I don’t think the problem with TLJ was that it was too feminine. I think it’s just kind of bad.

It’s definitely an amplified minority. This site and the sites connected to it though are experts at making a mountain out of a molehill, all in the name of clicks.