too early... I’m betting the festivities won’t kick off until much closer to the mid-term elections. The war bump doesn’t last long so you have to deploy it effectively.
too early... I’m betting the festivities won’t kick off until much closer to the mid-term elections. The war bump doesn’t last long so you have to deploy it effectively.
Wow, punishing Palestinian refugees to force Palestinian leaders to negotiate seems unlikely to work....
I’m sure the next step in Trump’s genius plan is to send over expert negotiator Jared to get things rolling and we should be in another Middle East war in no time!
Yep. Sounds about right and something that 45's Evangelicals will cheer very loudly.
Jesus fucking Christ - just stop playing the fucking game.
You mean the room where Andrew Jackson spent eight years? I think there might have been one or two especially hateful comments about the Natives he was genociding.
“We sincerely apologize to anyone that was offended by the jerseys.”
It’s a precision thing. There is a functional difference between an Arming Sword, a Zweihander, a Tachi and a Jian. They’re all a sword, but they have different names and refer to different weapons. Much the same way that a Tanegashima is demonstrably different from an Arquebus, or how a Yari is different from a Dory,…
I still find it interesting how much attention gets paid to the Katana, and swords in general, when they’re fundamentally just sidearms. Wars were won and lost on the backs of the Tanegashima, Yumi and Yari but most people don’t even know what they are.
In Dwarf Fortress, losing is Fun! And you are guaranteed to have lots of Fun.
The Tomb Raider reboot and The Last of Us stood out to me as both had some pretty brutal but well done death animations.
Hold on there sonnyjim! Please show me a collection of your best comments before you’re allowed to criticize other comments. They’ll have to be top-notch I’m afraid.
Everyone can say whatever they want about how The Last Jedi is the best thing ever, or even the worst thing ever, but the #1 sin that movie commits is that it makes The Force Awakens pointless. And therein shows what a shitty story teller Rian Johnson is because he couldn’t bother to continue the story being told.
Not only that, but TLJ—in my opinion—undercuts the whole premise of TFA, which was to find Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and either a) kill him or b) get him to help the Resistance. But in TLJ, we come to find out Luke’s just a washed up has-been with no interest in being “that guy” anymore. If Kylo and Rey share such a…
The Last Jedi makes the whole thing make much more sense, in part simply because it seems to indicate that all three movies have been planned out in advance, at least to some extent.
I disagree, I thought it made The Force Awakens practically meaningless since most of the (potentially) impactful story elements and characters they set up fell absolutely flat in TLJ.
Maybe Episode 9 will be different but so far I’m disappointed in all of the new movies.
I think they completely fucked up almost every bit of continuity they set up in TFA. I was fine with Rey not having famous parents, but what they did with Snoke was fucking stupid. Since Kylo asked Rey to join him in the middle of the second act, it screwed up the pacing and made Kylo a mopey jerk who now has no path…