
I cannot explain why they won’t make a new one of these games... Advanced wars is too good to shelve for no reason. If they released it for the switch you could even have local multiplayer (obviously fog of war is less effective) vs and coop.

I personally would recommend the original SW: Battlefront II, it’s on Steam and has so many mods you can get anything. I loved the Xbox version and the Galactic Conquest mode was a pretty fun strategy take on the genre.

The Hell they have. I don’t give a warm fart for books based on better books that didn’t need replacing. I’m talking about these pathetic excuses for new films that play like they were written by an autistic 12-year old fanboy instead of adapting award winning novels for the big screen. That was their excuse for

Yeah as opposed to someone who judges others for pretty subjective opinions, those guys are fantastic at parties!

Aside from the Chewy scene, the Porgs really pulled me out of the movie. Didn’t enjoy them.

Was going to post this exact thing. EA is literally incapable of making a SW game without ‘spending $300 million on a big holiday title and destroying the lives of 800 over-worked developers’.

Nah. They’d just taint it with the terrible new movies. We need something based on the original trilogy and/or EU, like the best Star Wars games have been. Disney doesn’t seem very interested in engaging with that past, though.

Unfortunately, Bioware has increasingly sucked after EA bought them, and especially since the leaving of much of it’s original braintrust (Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk).

Disney is use to seeing $500 million to $1 billion in returns for all of their projects, and anything less than that isn’t worth their time.

  • Kotor 3

Ah, yes. The age old “just suspend your disbelief further” argument. Because why bother having writers make sense when you can hand wave shitty writing away with “it’s fake anyway, so shut up.”

This scene bugged the shit out of me but not for the reason described.

Over in the hard science-fiction fandom (where FTL is treated as a necessary narrative compromise instead of just pure awesome) most military fiction actually spends a moderate amount of time explaining why this *isn’t* the first, second, and only thing everyone does in every fight.
The math of acceleration makes it

1. At this point people are just trying to defend a really cool scene that delivers a fatal flaw to space battles. You can argue mass all you want, it doesn’t matter. Having seen the trick, the FO could just develop cheap ships, pack them with bombs and have them shoot into light speed. Or as someone else said, attach

Lol, perhaps not a rocky asteroid, but what about a metallic one?! That shit’s solid man, you ain’t busting that up just by jumping it through hyperspace. I’ve done the back of the napkin calculations.

But you don’t need to have it be a Mon Cal cruiser every time, just something with the same mass. Strap a hyperspace engine and a navicomputer to an asteroid and you have a hyperspace mass driver. Done.

I can’t believe they didn’t use that strategy against the death stars or Starkiller base. It’s a cool concept but it really should not have been possible since it renders all future space fight scenes obsolete. Now they’ll have to explain why they aren’t using this move during every battle.

The thing that bothered me about it is, if that basically crippled the whole fleet that was after them, why not evacuate one of the ships and do that FIRST? Then everyone else jump away and refuel.

It just breaks so much of the established universe. If ramming ships via lightspeed is a thing, why does anyone even use laser canons? The established mode of attack would be fleets of tiny unarmed drones with hyperdrives, kamikaze style attacking. (Basically like the flying scourge in the original Starcraft games)