
Every player character is the Warrior of Light. Gold sellers, albeit robots, are player characters. So, congrats gold seller of light!

You have the right of it. The game’s narrative always paints the PC as the Warrior of Light, and everyone else is just another adventurer. This includes gil-selling bots.

This is cheating, I know, but:

Would probably be the different planes in Planescape Torment. Game has a great variety of locales with weird characters and culture that still stick out from other games. Still need to play the new crowd funded one though.

It’s what infuriated me about Andromeda more than anything, and the main part of what pissed me off about the ending of 3. They both, in their own, awful way, destroyed one of the most realized sci-fi universes to ever grace any piece of media.

Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad! If you’ve been subjected to cranberry sauce with only two ingredients I can’t blame you, though. That would be pointless at best.

There’s a lot of reasons I dislike the sequel trilogy. And boy is this at or near the top of the list.

Not true, the Jedi are the balance. They let the force flow and the Sith corrupt it. George Lucas and Pablo Hidalgo (the head of Star Wars canon) have said multiple times that the Jedi are the balance, and that gray Jedi will never become canon because it makes no sense. Remember Anakin killed the Sith, Palpatine

Luckily for the Rebellion and Resistance, Luke continued to stay so well-adjusted.

Deregulation decreases increases cost and increases decreases quality and quantity of service.

It’s only Monday..

Best article you’ve written all week. I miss them too.

They’re still there to be tantalizing and addicting to open. Add in “limited time” items that cost three times the amount of in-game currency and they’re specifically designed to take advantage of human psychology to get people to fork over more money than they’d probably care to. They still deserve to be on the shit

Now playing

Gameplay advantages are not the only way to incentivize people to spend a ridiculous amount of money on microtransactions.

It is a villain, it’s just one of the nicer ones.

Overwatch boxes have no gameplay advantage. You can’t even buy them in-game (on Xbox), and it took months for me to learn they even existed.

Aesthetics are part of the video game experience and absolutely contribute to ones enjoyment of a game. Overwatch could be mechanically identical with no textures but it wouldn’t be near the success it is today.

For those complaining that “The Simpsons mock everyone” and therefore it’s ok here’s the thing; on the show most of those “mockings” are either one of many of that sort of character or they’re a parody of a cultural reference.

For all the folks in the comments getting angry about the Indian guy being critical of the fictional Indian character and that he should “just get over it.”

this is the best joke of the day.