There’s not much compared to TV in general, but a surprising amount compared to Star Trek.
There’s not much compared to TV in general, but a surprising amount compared to Star Trek.
In comparison to other Star Trek media - yes, noticeably more.
Not a lot, but there is some which comes off feeling very forced. Like teenagers shouting ‘look at me, being an adult, using adulty words’.
True, there’s a significant difference between Allen & Weinstein. But since Allen also married Mia Farrow’s adopted daughter and continually makes movies pairing a young actress with a much older actor (even moreso than is the norm in Hollywood), typically playing that role himself in his earlier films, it’s hard not…
What in the fuck is wrong with humans?
Which stance?
I don’t think there will -ever- be a Half-Life 3 at this point. Valve’s basically moved on from where they were back then.
It’ss not like this series wasn’t a mess anyways. At least you could say that Mass Effect improved as the series went on with the exception of Andromeda. Dragon Age started off a slower paced arpg, then morphed into a frenetic rpg, then became some where mix of the two in a more open-world akin environment. The art…
Um, 16-year-olds don’t have to make a complaint when an ‘adult’ (only in the purely legal sense of the word) paws their breast. It is not ‘white knighting’ to protect children.
Gropes women, blatantly lies, loves Russia...
He’s a human Baskin & Robbins whose flavor of the week is miserable shit.
Awesome investigation and article, Jason. I’m not too interested in games like these, so I never really had any hype horse in this race, but it was still an amazing read.
what can i say im a glass half-full kinda guy.
This is what I am worried about when it comes to online only or mostly-online only games; Games that we may fall in love with may never have the opportunity to be resurrected in the future. Or if they are resurrected by fans, they’ll get a Cease and Desist. I understand trying to protect an IP, but I’m not happy about…
This is a massive corporation, Luke. You should know better by now.
That’s cute. There are nearly 9 million migrant workers in KSA who have worked in the country for decades doing the jobs that regular Saudis won’t do and endured some of the most horrible abuse you can imagine but please, grant citizenship to a f*cking robot.
After all the Resident Evil 2 remake news im really hoping they also decide to remake 3 cause its top notch RE. Also the fact that the game takes place a little before and after 2 makes it great!
So no single player DCL partially because of RDR2? I wonder what excuse they will use when RDR2 gets only online DLC?