I don’t get tattoos. At all. They’re just ugly. To me it is the equivalent of cutting. This one? It says to me, ‘I hate myself.’
I don’t get tattoos. At all. They’re just ugly. To me it is the equivalent of cutting. This one? It says to me, ‘I hate myself.’
These guys should’ve been hired for the new trilogy.
Pretty nice. The canopy is far enough forward with the wings far enough back that a pilot could theoretically see slightly to the sides instead of just straight ahead. In terms of overall design it could almost fit aesthetically somewhere between the prequels and the later films. But i will agree that the carbon fiber…
Totally. It’s hard. It’s good they tried. But I was surprised when I was told that no people of color worked on the adventure directly. That would have been a good start.
This is not a perfect history. Contrary to popular belief, McCoy never actually swears on TOS. Those famous, “Damn it, Jim, I’m a doctor, not a -” one-liners were never preceded with “damn.” It’s actually a case of the Mandela effect.
Swear words were only used twice on TOS, both in the first season. In “Mudd’s Women,”…
I don’t mind the f-bombs so much (although it feels like lazy Quentin Tarantino esque “instant edgy!”) but what I do dislike is the crappy writing on Discovery.
Emily. Emily Emily Emily. Having played since 1.0, I disdained all the other characters because she wasn’t available at the time.
People are dying in Japan with those demands so it’s more than just “this career may not be for you.” Good parents don’t let their children become game devs.
I’m more puzzled and concerned about the situation at CD Projekt Red after reading that statement than I was before. Especially since for some reason they decide to raise issues here that don’t seem to be that relevant or necessary for the discussion at hand.
I think the point is that they aren’t going to get away with it anymore. Except the president, of course.
I can get behind microtransactions or loot boxes if they are not tied into or obstruct normal progression.
We will when Loot Boxes go away. Until then, nope.
I can get behind microtransactions or loot boxes if they are not tied into or obstruct normal progression.
Battlefront II’s roping lootboxes to progression is absurd. A game I was incredibly excited for I’ve chosen to completely disregard out of principle. Shadows of Mordor was fantastic and I intended to get into…
Yep, the very fact that they are using loot boxes instead of simply having the items for sale is, to me, an immediate red flag. They are intentionally using predatory tactics when they don’t have to.
HotS was bad enough for me without look boxes, but fortunately I have made a considerable effort to stop wasteful spending in games like this.
So it’s the players fault? Hmm, lets break that down.
I think you’ve hit it right on the head; Micro-transactions lay-bare the fact that games are a business. They shatter the illusion that game developers make games only for the art, to create something of pure enjoyment, and the only reason they charge for them at all is they want to eat. They’re the basest form of…
I wonder what Goldeneye on the N64 would have been like if it were released with loot boxes.
You are the Alabama hotpocket of internet commentary.
No funny comment, but it's not an either/or thing. Jezebel covers a lot of serious and important issues, so to say that a few fun/weird/gross posts undo any of the other posts on the site is both unfair and shortsighted.