
This looks like the result of a Xenomorph mating with a Reman. Between the weird subscription access thing, the godawful ship design, and this...I’m finding it really disheartening to follow developments on ST DIS

Well, as a fellow Romulan fan, I was seething, because the Romulans in Trek 09 had nothing in common with the Romulans before aside from pointy ears. Their ship, their equipment, their demeanor, the way they fight even their haircuts-all of it seems designed purposefully to be as different from the show Romulans as

Supposedly JJ tried to get ‘original continuity’ merchandise discontinued because it would compete with merchandise for the reboot. He didn’t get exactly what he wanted because CBS makes money hand over fist from show-based merchandise and wouldn’t want to give that up, but it definitely had a major impact

He ate babies in both the hobbit and Fellowship. That’s pretty evil.

Forth faction is Vampire counts.

I actually stopped buying total war games when Empire came out-just seeing all the disgusting cash grab stuff they were pulling by putting in unique and iconic elite historical units like the Gurkhas and Dahomey Amazons as preorder DLC.

Oh yuck, thanks for reminding me what they did to Revan in that game. :(

His fingerprints are all over the trailers we have seen so far, not just with the lens flare, but the way things are shot, the costumes and aesthetics, and (as the article brings up) a saturation of callbacks to the OT. We have seen similar things in the Trek films.

The New Star Trek was supposed to bridge the gap between new and old, but I can’t help that it was more than a little too ‘manipulative’ with the amount of references, fanservice, cheapshots and fanfic-level writing.

Can you only play as the Storm/Snow/Scout etc troopers, or are there uniform options for Imperial officers, Naval Troopers and Imperial Army? That would go a long way in giving the imperial forces more customization options.

There are lots of Surnames that aren’t amazing to live with. I myself changed my surname legally, because it sounded like a certain piece of anatomy I’d rather not be named after.

I’m worried too. I’m seeing a lot of frantic action, shakey camera work, lens flares, and costume/ship aesthetics that make me think of Abrahms Trek movies more than the Original Series....and this is despite the fact that it’s blatantly trying to get the OT’s luster to rub off on it with reuse of OT concept art,

Still waiting for my Dark Alliance 3, dangit! The second one ended on such a cliffhanger!

Not sure what you are going on about. Oversees accounting for half of sales is pretty huge. Even Trek 2009 had twice as much in domestic compared to oversees. That’s a pretty big difference. Clearly courting the foreign market payed off.

For some bizarre reason in 4th edition they retconned them into being blessed by Lolth instead of cursed by her. Took away a lot of what made them great, IMO.

Far better explanation than when we got on Enterprise, IMO/

If this is a new Deathstar-esque weapon, that makes me worry that the rumors about there being multiple superweapons in the movie might be true.

Honestly, I’m fine with KotOR being non-canon. It was rather vexing when Bioware decided to give the Exile and Revan ‘canon’ alignments and genders for casual marketability. I don’t really need any more reminders about that disappointing decision down the road.

It’s probably heavy-side up to keep the spikes from getting dulled on the floor. If you look closely, you’ll see that the topmost spikes extend diagonally beyond the top of the mace-no way to store it heavy-side down without it resting on its spikes.

The only multiplayer Resident Evil games I liked was the Outbreak series. I’m never going to get another Resident Evil game game like Outbreak, am I?