
WoTC promised that we wouldn’t be getting any more ‘Realm Shaking Events’ like the Spellplague or Time of Troubles etc, but we have had a module that brought back Bhaal, Tiamat wrecking stuff, Temple of Elemental Evil brought over to Forgotten Realms, war in the silver Marches/Sword coast involving orcs and drow, and

Very little about Nero makes sense unless you look at the movie as-is. The whole Nero situation raises far too many questions if you look at it too hard-you without the aid of the supplimental material (deleted scenes, tie-in material, etc).

Into darkness spent a *lot* of attention to the Oversees market this time around. For instance, casting Cumberbatch in a central role and plopping him onto every movie poster for the movie is pretty much printing money oversees- he has a massive fanbase oversees, and Paramount certainly knew that. There was also an

The song in the opening of Enterprise alone should place it in last place IMO. It really is that bad.

I really, really hope that it comes with some alternate male female head options like KoTOR had instead of just that awful scarred mullet head that The Old Republic has.

For me it hinges on which edition’s version of Forgotten Realms they are using. Forgotten Realms may be overdue for a movie, but with the whole Spellplague debacle, post 4th-edition FR just doesn’t hold quite the same appeal, IMO.

Do you remember Viekang? He was a reoccurring minor character in BG2 and Throne of Bhaal. His Bhaalspawn powers manifested in a peculiar way-whenever he became afraid, he would randomly teleport away. So basically a joke character, because he’s an incredible coward.

I absolutely agree. It shouldn’t be bound to the current canon- IMO the entire idea of having a canon protagonist defeats the spirit of having a branching path rpg with a non-fixed protagonists.

Considering the direction WoTC decided to take the Bhaalspawn saga in the tie-in novels, couldn’t agree more (anything to retcon that...dross) can’t. There are exactly two ‘gay’ relationship options in the game- one male, one female- and only one per route: you can only be in a homosexual relationship with a man in the Nohr route-if you want to have a lesbian relationship you have to go the other route (*Note* Soleil is *not* available as a romance

That was a rubbish decision then, and it’s a rubbish decision now. KoTOR 2 let players choose the gender and alignment of Revan in a short, 2-minute dialogue that fit seamlessly into the flow of the game. A game that was infamously rushed. The decision that Revan had to have a ‘canon’ alignment and gender was just

Totally agreed. The reasons they gave for making a ‘canon’ Revan male/lightside that Gaider gave amounted to ‘we made Revan lightside male because that’s what our market research shows is more popular, then made Exile a token female.”

They have character ripped straight from the original concept art for Chewbacca, and discount version kyle katarn...a pink-armored mandalorian grafitti artist...etc. Can’t say the protagonists do much for me either.

I haven’t played it, but I do play STO, and I have heard Neverwinter is even more of an awful grindfest than STO. A lot of its popularity no doubt stems from the IP and the name...I know that’s the only thing keeping me in Star Trek Online....there aren't exactly a lot of choices for Star Trek/Forgotten Realms fans

Yeah, some sort of energy cell or something different-someone floated the idea that it worked like Mass Effect guns and it shaves a slug off a metal block for ammo.

Ah I see. It's better to think of it as some sort of exotic energy cell or something similar that was designed to be reminiscent of a revolver in form, if not function.

The item in question in the picture of the destiny gun doesn't look anything like a speedloader though.

This is the same game that advertised it’s ‘founder’s pack’ as essentially letting players play as a Drizzt clone? That’s adding in Minsc and Boo cameo’s soon? That had a ‘Icewind Dale’ expansion? The game positively *wallows* exploiting name recognition and fanservice for a quick buck.

They already did something similar in Star Trek Online, and it was awful. Romulans work much better as antagonists than federation-types.

Considering he treated the Star Trek franchise with all the care and love of a bull in a china shop, I shudder to think what havoc he can wreck to Star Wars with two movies.