
Oh Babyon 5, how I miss you. While the four thruster-design and elongated hull do seem to be common design elements, it doesn't seem to have forward thrusters, and seems to be a smaller vehicle. Similar, but perhaps not as similar as it is to the firefly.

Alas, this is not the case. It takes place after the Spellplague, which was how 4 ed tried (unsuccessfully) to shake up Forgotten Realms. Lots of worse things happen then during the Time of Troubles, IMO. and the setting suffers for it. Highlights including: Mystra getting killed by Cyric and Shar, Tyr kills Helm.

Mystra dead? So this is goign to be in 4th edition Forgotten Realms, and this is going to be a plot evolution off of that setting then I guess. I'm not terribly interested in 4th edition Forgotten Realms-I think the plot developments that 4th edition brought were contrived and stupid. It's like building a mansion in

Somehow I doubt you actually read my post. Badass=control, power, capacity for physical violence. This is heavily associated with male masculinity in popular culture. Musculature has been and continues to be heavily associated with those who perform violence, particularly of the physical kind. The men are muscular

Heroism and sexuality are intertwined concepts where male protagonists are concerned. You don't typically see skinny, fat, or otherwise unfit male protagonists, because this isn't considered 'heroic' because it implies a lack of power in sexuality, authority, and violent capacity. By contrast, depictions female

"And when did the Romans get to Skyrim?"

Did you work on the game NorthStar? You seem to be getting awfully worked up over someone's opinion. I agree that this game is a hack and slash, and not an rpg (that's what Snowblind is famous for, after all-amazing hack and slashes), so it is a bit unfair to compare it to an rpg.

Fourthed. I miss all of the old school turn-based RPGs. Where's my Breath of Fire 6? :(

I made a point of killing Drizzit on every playthrough of Baldur's Gate II. I couldn't have been the only one?

Nexus is an awesome game with awesome mods. Star Trek, Stargate, Babylon add Battlestar Galactica to that list! For being such an amazing game, it is surprising how few people are aware of it.

Didn't the first one destroy Vradenfall, the setting in Morrowind? I couldn't be less interested, we already have to put up with that garbage being part of the canon storyline for Skyrim. Seriously, what did Morrowind do to piss off the author?

I read some of the content from the leak about the Revan book they are putting out for TOR. I'll tell you, that is dross of the highest magnitude. They retconned the exile into being just another jedi (getting rid of the whole 'wound in the force' plot) and killed her off by having her get stabbed in the back by some

Bioware has altered canon in plenty of its games in the past. The Dragon Age, KoTOR, and Mass effect series have all altered canon at some point, and Baldur's gate and the two KoTOR games all have 'canon' endings, despite having a great deal of variety in choices of alignment, gender, species, etc for the player to

No excuse for the ugly cartoon style to the art direction. The KoTOR games looked miles more realistic then this. You can't honestly be saying that uniforms like what those two soldiers escorting the jedi were wearing looked good, I hope.

Forgotten Realms may be "the most popular setting in the D&D universe" but what they did to it in 4th edition is atrocious. Combined with my general dislike of the edition, I'll definitely be giving this one a pass.

The art direction is still awful, perhaps even worse then before. Not digging the stylized cartoony look. The armor/clothing looks ridiculous.

1 year- Breath of Fire 6

I recommend you watch babylon 5 then, ME draws much more heavily from there then anywhere else. Heck, the Normandy basically *is* a whitestar from B5, relays=jumpgates, turian-huamn war=earth=minbari war, humans are new kids on the block, turians and asari are basically the minbari warrior caste and religious caste

Stargate was pretty bad in that regard. All of the ancient religious gods are aliens, except for Sokar, who is 'impersonating' Satan. That's right, Christianity gets special status as the only religion depicted on the show that is not explicitly a hoax. They even brought on a Hindu Goa'uld! As if spitting in the face

I agree wholeheartedly with your opinions of KOTOR and JE2. making a MMO so far removed from the original 2 chronologically and not letting us play as the PCs from the first games reeks of money grabbing, and Jade Empire had the most original setting and plot of any of the bioware games I have played.