
Sure thing. Commenting on a site dedicated to discussing media means… I don't know that we're discussing media, and have no grip on reality? Okay then.

Ohhh, so Barbara's suffering can also be a vehicle for Batman's manpain, in addition to Gordon's? I mean, it's not like the actions that happen to her would lead to any stories worth exploring. Because it is BATMAN's bad day, or JIM GORDON's bad day we are interested in. Being tortured & paralyzed, apparently,

The 2001 Producers still holds the record for the most Tony awards actually received, at 12. Hamilton was one short of tying.

The sidelining of the collaborators who make the theatrical experience so unique and fully fledged was inexcusable - shout out to the lighting, scenic & costume designers who create the worlds for actors to play in, praise to the choreographers who sweat out the intricate steps that mesmerize audiences, and a big

They did address that a few times with Martha, without it getting too heavy-handed or dominating the plot.

That would rock!

No, what's worse is that the GARGOYLE SONG ranked higher. And don't get me started on Hellfire being in the 70s…


Musically, it's nothing special. The story is not original. The characters are stock types. The reason it is the highest grossest musical IS Taymor. And Taymor's puppets. I get it - you don't do theater, you don't follow Broadway, and you've at least heard of Disney movies - but no other film adaptation has done

Ian McKellen called. Though I guess you could argue that Magneto is not entirely a villain….

So is pre-crime bad, or is untried permanent incarceration/cryosleep/lack of due process bad?

Disgust is less random when you look at a few popular theories about "core" or "basic" emotions - surprise is also sometimes included, but it's also sometimes lumped in with fear.

How can a Jurassic Park Velociraptor lack the killing claw? That's, like, the most remarked upon feature in the movie (after, perhaps, cleverness).


Can you really have the League without Supes? Batman leans towards "associate" rather than member… but Superman is the heart and soul of the team.

Spinning wheel, got to go round?


A supernatural being in the shape of a bat, yo.

I started watching that damned show because of these threads. Now I'm hooked. So… yes. FOSTER REVIEW PLZ OK NOW?