
Absolutely! France's Vanessa James & Morgan Cipres' Free Skate costumes. High contrast, graceful detailing, with lovely flowing lines and just enough sparkle and a nice use of asymmetry. Can't find a good still pic, but here's a video of their routine (pre Sochi) with those outfits -…

Speaking of NPH - Assassins? Please? I have film of the rest of Sondheim….

Yes! Fixed that.

True. Pretty much the whole damn movie could work here.

Blues Brothers? Rawhide? Anyone?

8 got a bum deal! Outside of the movie, 8 improves dramatically.

Ass-kicked - 5'11 and 124 lbs is a 17.3 BMI, which is well below the threshold for "underweight".  That is, in fact, dangerously skinny -  at that point, it is likely that her menstrual cycle would have ceased and her hair would have begun to fall out.