catnado fact now that i think of it, it's possible the entire architecture of the net is based off the "jumpto/c++onclusions;" source algorithm...

yeah it's mainly Azubu crying because they bought something from someone, and that thing wasn't owned by the person they bought it from so they really have no exclusivity rights to it, it's a compagny trying to cut their loss by trying to block public content being showcase on a public service, and they shouldn't

Videogame development in a big, harsh, rotten nutshell:

He's not white. It's an easy case.

Of course. The article seems to be pointingout the obvious. Deranged lunatics who commit mass shootings are hardly going to be caring husbands. I suspect they are prone to all sorts of anti social violent behaviour

The title is misleading (if not an outright intentional lie.) The study appears to state that the *risk* of FGM has increased — NOT the actual numbers of FGMs performed. While it is, of course, a terrible practice, let's try to keep from getting hysterical and seeing bogeymen everywhere. The thing about cultural

"Designer babies"?

Not actually what I said, but okay. Enjoy your victory over that straw man, buddy.

Oh, look. Totally baseless, ad-hominem assertions. Truly, an impressive argument. About what I'd expect from Jezebel's denizens.


'Lets just ignore the real problem and yell at a scapegoat'

That's true, but has absolutely no bearing on anything that I said. There is plenty of legitimate criticisms of games—and every "GamerGater" I've ever spoken to has fully conceded that there are numerous problems with games—especially the big title games, the star of which is usually a single archetype (scruffy

Yes, Sarkeesian is a target for a lot of unfair and patently misogynist treatment. I don't see anybody denying that, and I've never seen any prominent voices rationalizing the vitriol that Sarkeesian (or Wu, or Quinn, etc) have been subjected to.

1) The fight video you guys posted was the culmination of months of drama and, quite frankly, deserved. This is going to sound unbelievable but bear with me, because as ridiculous as it sounds it is 100% true.

Yes, let's have a discussion about violence in video games.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the people here will disagree with you in a most toxic fashion.

I read the article and quoted from it. Did you read my comment?

I wish this excellent article had a less click-baity title, especially when, in the body of the piece, at least 2 cops (Rao and Reddy) did take your claims seriously and tried to help as much as they could/knew how. In fact, one says "I don't want to take the report and have it get pushed aside," clearly indicating

Sounds like the Guild Wars 2 route mostly?

again, putting words in my mouth...

Comments like yours hurt the cause of victims. I said explicitly in my comment that