
The fact that Abbi understood that it was wrong and called herself a monster is what sold it for me. Both rape moments in the episode, the Male Stacy one and when Abbi unwittingly kisses a 16 year old later, are immediately followed by "WHAT DID I DO??" not high fives. Still uncomfortable stuff, but that's what makes

The reason why Madeline and Jezebel are confused by the "rape culture" joke is that they are making fun of people like Jezebel commentators.

I like my comedy to be uncomfortable.

Most cops are too dumb to flip soyburgers at McDonald's

Suspected but wasn't entirely sure! It's distressing how many people here are amuses or think it was somehow justified.

He didn't need to resort to a strawman, your original comment was stupid enough.

You know, they have systems that will acoustically detect gunfire. I am totally ok with neighborhood-wide deployment of this if it prevents full-on military responses like this.

I'm not sure if this is an indictment of me or of the poster I was responding to.

But this is payback, you see. For all the male violence and stuff. It's different and much, much worse when it happens to a woman.

Yeah, I agree with backbypopulardemand. The story itself is about one person doing horrifying shit to another person, but it's the comments that make me wonder about the general population.

What are you? New?

Most of them appear to be mocking a domestic violence victim who was mutilated...

Why would you be amused by someone being genitally mutilated? Is it appropriate for me to step into discussions about FGM and crack wise? (the answer is no, no it is not)

No, the misandry is not in the story itself, it is in the many comments here that go along the line:

This. I was surprised as hell to learn that she wasn't, you know, in fucking jail. Or at the very least in custody pending a hearing.

This is the problem with common thinking like this in america. What if my neighbor is crazy, I gotta buy a gun, what if all the calls are terrorists, we gotta have a tank in the police force. Instead of using simple technology and brains to investigate things, we just raise walls and plot guns on them.

I find it baffling that some folks treat stories of male genital mutilation with a humorous touch. I imagine they would not be quite so lighthearted had a dude taken a knife to his wife's vagina.

if a crazed person is encountered, escalate the reponse.

Hurray victim blaming. Go fuck off

Yep, if someone publicly says "I'm a terrible husband." *believe him.*

So, my take is that Fred's a rotten boyfriend/hook-up/husband. No reason to think, though, that's he's not an okay buddy/scene partner. I think he and Carrie have found a relationship that works for them—as creative, not romantic, partners.
