Women can be power-mad and commit sexual assault too. Not saying that's the case here but it doesn't seem like she objected to anything according to the victim's story.
Women can be power-mad and commit sexual assault too. Not saying that's the case here but it doesn't seem like she objected to anything according to the victim's story.
What really really extra terrifies me about this story is that this was the treatment given to a visitor. If this kind of inhuman, misogynist fuckery was allowed with a visitor I can't even begin to fathom the shit that some of the female prisoners go through on a daily basis, above and beyond serving time.
I'm amazed and appalled that the female guard was so on board with this insanity. I like, she also thought it was reasonable to have to look at this woman's genitalia? She couldn't have let her show her the pad and be done with it?
Which is exactly why her lawyer is making sure to claim that she wasn't given the option to leave. I would be surprised if they DON'T claim some sort of false imprisonment/assault combo.
Doe also says that she called the facility's chief of security, who told her that an "inspection" of that kind was allowed.
People with a little bit of authority are always the very worst.
Preemptive shout-at to anyone who'd use that bullshit line: People in prison have families. It's punishment enough that their families can't be with their father/brother/husband, etc. — but to be straight-up afraid to visit them because of the guards? What the fuck?? And hell.. what's to stop them from doing this to a…
Normally when someone details you until you show them your vagina, it is kidnapping and sexual assault.
I don't understand why she wouldn't be allowed to just leave. This is a private prison and it sounds like the guards all security guards - NOT corrections officers. WTF are they gonna do? Can security guards arrest her? This shit is rapey as hell.
Ugh, I totally thought the title referred to showing them a used pad or tampon. Having to have a female guard look at your vagina to see you're menstruating is ridiculous.
Goddamn it I swear if I trip over somebody's stray clit I will SUE. Put your clits on leashes if there's even a possibility that it will get up and trot off to the next county. Let's all be responsible clit-owners please.
I have been totally impressed by many of target's clothes. It's like what I wish H&M still was.
Thank you for this.
I don't see how lying to the cops about whether your kid shot your other kid with a paintball gun or a pistol is going to protect your kid. It sounds like, at the best, trying to not get in trouble for having an unsecured loaded handgun where your kid could access it and shoot your other kid.
Felony child endangerment - the charge exists for a reason.
Or you could tell her that it is where you keep your gun locked up and that guns are for killing and you own that gun for shooting people dead. And that dead people are dead forever. Then you could teach her some actual gun safety in case she ever stumbles across your firearm.
Just riffing here.
I'm with you a thousand per cent on this one. This kid killed his sibling, and there is no way it's his fault that he did. His parents were irresponsible, and I know that they have to Be in tremendous pain... But the ways kids internalize things and blame themselves for these types of things... I just hope that they…
"The state will assemble a child fatality review board to determine whether the parents should be charged with a crime."
so, mom lied about it being a paintball accident, are we sure she's not Lyon about the five year old being the one who pulled the trigger?
#TeamNoOne is growing by leaps and bounds these days.