Nicole Lyn? She is a multiracial actress of African ancestry who could 'pass'. (Her mother is African-Jamaican and her father is Chinese-Jamaican, which might let her count as black enough for those who police that sort of thing.)
Rashida Jones should play Ellen.
WHO do we think should be cast for the miniseries
I am calling it now: this is the story that gets the most whiny comments written about it. Just watch.
"It's not wild chicken."
No the daughter "agreed" to the bet, but it's not clear if she knew he was serious or had any idea he was going to re-post her mom's bikini pics on a social media campaign.
I usually don't agree with you but you got it right on the money with this one.
LOLLLL. Asking a friend's parents to drive you somewhere is TOTES THE SAME as asking a friend's parent to take you to prom and then blasting pictures of her in a bikini on Twitter to see if you could really get her to do it.
If I were Chloe'e mom, had no knowledge of what was going on and when I did, found out my bathing suit pictures were posted all over Twitter? I have no doubt the amount of rage that would take over would be otherworldly. The ripple would hit any human within a 20 mile radius, starting with this kid. It's one of those…
Of course. But you can bet that if he'd asked her and she said no, he'd say she "didn't get the joke" or "wasn't cool about it" or "should take it as a compliment" or "have a sense of humor" or "is being a bitch about it" etc. etc. etc.
Sigh. I don't think these particular dudes get that I can completely accept that sex with a condom isn't as good for them and still not be up for having unprotected sex. If he doesn't want to use a condom, we can go down on each other or use our hands. If he doesn't want to do that or if he thinks that means me…
Do not mansplain this to me.
Wow, Jezebel. So disappointed in you.
It's not a casual decision, the way deciding if you should get rocky road or double fudge at the ice cream shop is a casual decision. But it is, for many women, a very easy decision, the way deciding to get chemo is an easy decision for many cancer patients.
Except for a lot of women it IS a casual decision. Just as casual as deciding to use a condom or using the pill. For many women, abortions are an agonizing choice, but for many others it's not a big deal and it doesn't have to be, and it's kind of dangerous to keep pushing the myth that abortions are only okay if…
I remember reading somewhere for a bioethics course in college that MOST women who get abortions are already mothers.
Women should not have to justify their reasons for having an abortion - the simple decision should suffice and stand on its own.
I think we should allow and give room for both types reactions and everything in between. Women should not have to justify their reasons for having an abortion - the simple decision should suffice and stand on its own. That's what having the right to choose means. And by the same token, women can and should be allowed…
I really think it's important that she's willing to be so open about this. For many women, an abortion is shitty, traumatic, and not a decision arrived at easily. Some of you reading this are probably like, "duh" but I can't tell you how many dummies actively accuse women of flippantly get abortions like they're a…