Kitty magnet

Yeah the whole "military wives" thing is rooted in the old 1950s attitude that women should stay at home and cook and care for the kids. And being a military wife, that's pretty much all you can do, considering the deployments and moving around.

Where did you get that from? The divorce rate in the military is quite significantly higher than in the civilian population. The googles have failed me, care to cite a source?

You are right, but domestic violence and sexual crimes of all nature happen at a significantly higher rate in the military. You see lots of news stories about the enlisted women, but it happens to spouses as well. I am sure there are many factors that go into that, but what I described here is probably a pretty big

Well, that's just plain awful. As someone who was in the military, I can speak to the amount of damage all of this infidelity and drama do, and how much more prolific it is in the military compared to the civilian world.

You're "offended" by this post? Why in the hell did you click on a post that is titled "Disney Dudes Dicks What Your Favorite Princes Look Like Naked"!? It's pretty clear what the subject matter is, it's your problem that you're "offended."

Actually, attractiveness is not even discussed in the post. Just factual diversity.

This comes across less like some deep and meaningful social experiment and more like a bitter dude trying to punish women for not respecting his special snowflakeness. 'Oh, you failed to notice what a bright and shining and unique soul I am in a sea of less fascinating men? Let me waste your time and pretend that it

My preferred response is eye contact/lips squashed together in what can technically be interpreted as a smile but is really a grimace. It's an acknowledgment that he spoke, but it can't remotely be read as encouragement.

Ditto my white Keds, which I wear with everything.


This bride is delusional if she thinks any of these friends give a shit in the first place.

Yeah, Cottonelle wipes can suck it. However! Baby wipes are the shit! And by that I mean, they remove all traces of shit, while not irritating the delicate bum area. Get the fragrance free ones, ladies! And *never* flush them!!

Big Lopsided Rap Beefs & Cheddar

It's true that you would expect some enthusiasm for the situation, but I think it's unclear that she was actually unhappy. Someone else pointed out that she may have been attempting Elsa's signature raised-eyebrow smirk, and I think that's possible. Facial dexterity and acting are not really very common skills, and

Poor girl. Taking time out of her day to make kids smile only to be mocked because she happens not to look like a Disney princess. Isn't this the exact kind of thing this site rallies against?

I'm kind of surprised Jezebel is making fun of this woman. It seems obvious that the biggest problem with the look isn't really the quality of the costume. If this was a cute, skinny, smiling girl in good make-up, there would be no real issue.

I think that for a lot of people, the day to day reality of a relationship comes as a rude awakening, especially for the type that was always planning their "dream wedding." If you bought into a fairy tale that ended with the line, "...and they lived happily ever after!" you might not be prepared for the fact that

My reaction, too. It's disappointing. The world is filled with ridiculous superstitions. The notion of a "soul mate" is among the silliest of those superstitions.

Clearly, this post will be the mane attraction of the day.

UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH that thing is freaking massive. how can he afford that? is canadian money that different from american money? is it really one of those CZ rings from walmart? is it a re-formed ring pop with a shiny gum wrapper on top? y'all need to stop hate-listening to nickelback, he's making too much damn money