Kitty magnet

Oh my god, I accidentally read it as "Little Girl Accidentally Dies in a 360 Rotating Tunnel" and started crying, and then I saw there was a video and hit play and FREAKED OUT because I thought you put a VIDEO of it on here, and then realized what the title actually was and now I'm aggressively stroking my rabbit and

Actually, I work with a group that advocates for women's access to reproductive rights, and quite a bit of the legislation banning "late term" abortion either doesn't have an allowance for life/health of the mother, or is incredibly strict about the wording because they believe that saying "health" allows women who

A large percentage of late term abortions are of "wanted" children. The more difficult and more common situation is when the termination is of a fetus that is basically nonviable - nearly certain to live a short and extremely painful life if carried to term.

The message confusing. I feel like the whole thing is meant to be a stealth pun, performance art.

what makes you think she doesn't take care of her baby? Taking a picture with flowers next to her baby's crib doesn't mean she's self centered or dying to get back to work. Even if she was dying to get back to work why do you care? Why does it matter to you?

Yes, maybe she does take care of the baby and model at the same time. How is any different than any other working mom, any other job, where I'd guess you wouldn't reproach a mom for caring about her career? You may see the many photographs as self-centered, but she probably has tons of photos of herself posing

I imagine that this is going to go fantastic for their Bachelorette Party sales. Not everyone has 10/10 friends and they're not going to ditch their friends so that they can go to some shitty club where you'll be lucky not to get humped at by an ugly man.

I was a little chubby in the sixth grade and was horrified when I had to tell the class about my visit to Wales and a bunch of the kids snickered. Calling a girl a whale is pretty fucking grade school.

Seriously, she was like, um ok nm then, and he's like BUT WAIT NO HIPPOS BUT DON'T YOU WANT TO COME TO THE #1 CLUB IN AMERICA? BUT NO HIPPOS. BUT WAIT WHERE ARE YOU GOINNNNNGGGG??? Lol what a moron.

Man, that guy just kept harping on her! He asked for a photo, she said no, making it clear she'd just take the party somewhere else, and he just kept on coming back at her. He seems awfully desperate for someone promoting "The #1 nightclub in America!"

Most minifigs have two faces—one happy and one angry/sad/confused/etc. so you can turn the head around to change their mood. If you look at the box, you can see the happy faces turned.

That's actually exactly the rationale that the Lego spokesmen use, though of course they don't frame it as wanting to extract as much cash from you as possible. They say they want to prevent boys from just swapping out the heads because they don't want to play with girls; they're trying to force boys to be inclusive

There's just no fucking pleasing you, is there?

Congratulations. Emily is gonna grow up to be literally the worst.

My favorite part of the video is the whole "she can't be a doormat" followed by "she has to let me win at video games." Sorry, bro, but one of those things is not like the other.

Listened to that. Those boys don't want much do they.... EXCEPT THEY DO. "She should be able to snowboard and go mudding and look good doing it and also look good when she is going to the classy dinner I am taking her to afterward, and be interesting and not a doormat, but not loud or anything and be classy with her

Alcide and Lafayette are also both EXTREMELY healthy choices. You have no worries. I see I should rephrase to "a highly reliable litmus test of healthy female heterosexuality."

Bald umbrella Britney, Slave 4 U Britney, "barely legal" Britney, catsuit Britney, sexy schoolgirl Britney. Is Britney the new Barbie?

My partner thinks Skarsgard is just as hot as I do, and we'd both like to experience DDL's undeniable physical charms. Some people transcend sexual orientation in their glorious hotness.

I personally find it weird that some people *don't* have Skarsgard dreams.