Kitty magnet

As I have told others. I've worked in many studios over the years. Every so often they may need a hand with moving things during a shoot that is being done on a green/blue screen. So you wrap yourself in green or blue and stand on set moving wires or what ever needs to move. I have made tires roll through a scene,

I only shave because I'm supposed to do it, too. If it wasn't for society, I'd never do it. Once hair is grown out, it's silky smooth and not bothersome. However, my legs shaved are never, ever silky smooth. Well...maybe for 5 seconds. I'd have to shave 2 times a day to keep them super smooth. Not happening. It's

I do it in the summer because ~*~SoCiEtY~*~


Done it. Not that fun under hot studio lights.

I can't stop laughing at the Superman one. I don't know what it is, but I can't stop staring and giggling like a madwoman.

That gif is completely mesmerizing me.

We have an amish market in town (live in PA) and they sell gigantic butter rolls, good shit.

I certainly will. They are the very few shoe retailers that carry a true size 5 that isn't in fact a size 6.

When you're putting something hot in the blender just remove the little plastic circle thingie in the middle of the lid and cover the hole with a dish towel.

OK I haven't read through all this yet because I had to stop and mention how much I cracked up at "I have no idea. I don't know how long you're supposed to cook chicken at a million degrees."

Yeah I was thinking that when reduced to cannibalism, the only targets are probably also pretty skinny by that point.

NBC's Hannibal, where every week Dr. Hannibal Lecter cooks some poor soul and feeds it to his unsuspecting friends and employers.

Was your friend's boyfriend Dennis Duffy?

yeah, we've started keeping the toilet seat in our bedrooms with us. you'll have to figure that out. and we had our water turned off, sorry for the inconvenience! no, i don't know why the stove and fridge aren't working. oh yeah, we had to take the door off the place you sleep because the dog wants in there so often,

Except for the part where she doesn't do anything.

Well, as she stopped working at all, and it says that in the article, yes, you're the only person who is out there saying that. Why would you want to pay room and board to someone for no reason?