Kitty magnet

I can tell you that living in the Highlands and working in Decatur is a LIFESAVER. I think I would have given myself a roadrage-induced heart attack by now if I had to deal with Spaghetti Junction!

At first I thought he had been arrested on stage mid-musical, and now I am sorely disappointed.

Yeah, South Dakota is the Florida of the Dakotas.

If we all hate slow walkers, how are there still so many slow walkers? Who are these people whose only purpose is to walk slowly without having the decency to stay on one side of the sidewalk so that people can easily pass? Why is it worse here than in any other city I've lived in? I don't understand :( :( :(

Absolutely not.


Yeah, it's not like they have a rabid team of lawyers or a history of losing their shit over licensing violations. I'm sure they'll be more than happy to allow their intellectual property to be used in horribly drawn incest PSAs.

Here. I think you could use this.

I keep imagining John Scott looking like Pornstache from Orange is the New Black.

No! No Ted Danson! You are wrong sir!!!

That is really making me question the validity of this survey. DC is crazy town. The traffic is absurd (and I don't even DRIVE! I am on the bus, though, so there's that), it's expensive as hell, and it's not close enough to the beach.

YANKton! Heh heh...

NOOOOO NOT TACO JOHN'S!!! Don't soil the name of such a fine taco institution, jerk manager!

WHOA WHOA WOAH, woah— Potato Oles are the one redeeming menu item at Taco John's!

Potato Oles are delicious and one of the major things I look forward to on my yearly trips to the Midwest.

DC not being in the top 10 let alone #1 makes this whole list meaningless to me. I lived in/just outside of NYC for the first 26 years of my life and have lived in the DC area for 7. The past 7 years have redefined stressful on a daily basis.

I now remember a friend saying that Beale Street on a weekend is a circle of Hell. Apparently people are frisked for weapons and purses are checked before you can even walk on it? An entire street? It's not like it's a venue or something. That's awful.

The perimeter is ineffable.

Not surprised at all by Memphis. There's a reason it's known as the "Detroit of the South."

No way San Bernardino is more stressed than the ATL. You bitches have dispensaries, and Atlanta is- well Atlanta is in Georgia. Plus, much like the M25, I'm positive demons had a hand in designing 285.