Kitty magnet

I blurted out "selfie" once and it burned in my brain for weeks. It still stings a little when think about it.

Come visit us in Montana! We have alpine lakes with clean, clear water where you can have your own private beach, insane amounts of outdoor activities (the mountains stay cool all year), and cheap beer.

Make fun of Florida all you want people, we still have some of the BEST beaches in the world.

Yeah, I'm not feeling "relfie". I don't think even in context it would be immediately obvious what a "relfie" is. "Ussie", though dumb and stupid, is at least understandable in context. Then again, you could just say "Let's take a photo of ourselves together" and not sprain your tongue.

This was the look that I gave her too. But her enthusiasm for the ussie made me feel like kind of an asshole.

No way. I can overlook this twee language for this woman. She is fab.

I met a friend that I hadn't seen in a while and we took a mini vacation together. We were seeing the sites and she looked at me and screamed "Let's take an USSIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" An Us-ie. Like Self-ie, but with us. Is this a thing too?

Well, doesn't she often play fat bozos? I mean, I'm not super well-acquainted with her body of work but half of the stuff I've seen her in, she plays the fat bozo type. The female Chris Farley kind of thing. At the same time, she can't really be blamed for working, I'd say it's more the fault of Hollywood producer

Have you seen most of her roles? Check out the trailer for Tammy. Full of fat stereotypes and idiocy of the "it's funny because she's fat" kind. She complains about her cause A LOT but she doesn't realize she's part of the problem. I think she's a great actress and it's sad to see her take on so many fat shaming

Agreed. I loved her for years on Gilmore Girls where her weight was a complete non-issue for the character. But that didn't make her a household name. Now that she can make money playing the stereotypical crass, loud, socially inappropriate fat woman, that's all she does.

Agreed. I still have empathy for the performers though because it's not easy to carve out a career in entertainment for larger folks, so they are often faced with either working with the material that's created for them or not working at all.

Mocking in the sense of reinforcing stereotypes that bigger people are crass louts. Not true of all her roles, but many of them.

I've been lamenting about this to my roommates for weeks now. She's so much more than fat jokes.

Oh come on now, Levine will fuck anything on legs - including a table. And Franco? He was just lucky to get some. They're both LIARS! They hit that in a second.

I don't believe them but I fully understand the need to distance themselves from anything Lilo and deny they had sex with her. I would be embarrassed too. But hey, I would be ashamed to admit to sex with either Levine or Franco.

I loved me some Will Smith back when he was acting and on the teevee, but OMG his offspring are insufferable.

I do not get the Adam Levine love. Callie, you clearly don't get it, either!

Since I normally wouldn't give a squirt of piss about what either of these "celebrities" do, I need to preface this by saying that I only happened to hear this episode of Stern at the shop while my motorcycle was getting an oil change yesterday.

Human equivalent of getting very competitive during a casual game of pool volleyball Adam Levine has...

i still don't understand what an ed sheeran is