I had a moment of intense fear that my house was going to be absolutely destroyed, but the bird just flew in, landed on a shelf for a few seconds and flew back out the door.
I had a moment of intense fear that my house was going to be absolutely destroyed, but the bird just flew in, landed on a shelf for a few seconds and flew back out the door.
I can't even imagine the destruction that would ensue if a bird came into my house. My cats topple furniture and pull down curtains just chasing an errant moth. A bird would be mayhem.
Holy crap! My cantankerous ex-neighbour comments on Jezebel?
Um, my cat lives in my house?
Awww...fifth grade's out for the summer and you have nothing else to do, huh?
No, but defending her client is. She's REQUIRED to. If she didn't, she should have been disbarred. AND NONE OF THIS EVEN HAPPENED IN COURT.
You forgot being rich and/or famous. That's the best defense there is.
I also think this is a systemic issue. If there were legal protections for victims of rape that prevented lawyers from having to resort to this sort of thing....I just don't know, maybe that would help. Maybe not. I don't even know how a law like that would be worded or how it would impact the ability of the…
Yes. She was doing her job to the best of her ability. Quite frankly, it was the 70's and if she didn't call the victim's sexual history into question, the defendant would have had a good case for appeal because of bad representation. If someone wants to complain about that type of defense, please do, but point the…
Being innocent is often the best legal defense, but given how often we execute innocent people in this country, that's no guarantee either.
I don't think Hillary Clinton should have pulled that bs in court, but I think it's strange that the woman's life course is being attributed to Hillary's actions. Her fear of men and emotional problems were *likely* caused by the rape itself, not by Hillary's arguments.
He's already served a 9-year-prison term, and during the interview embedded in the post, he says it's a part of his life he regrets. Of course, he could be lying. But it's also possible for people who have done horrible things to turn their lives around.
Also the fact that he's a criminal doesn't preclude him from being hot. He is remarkable looking any way you slice it. He's probably not someone I would actually want to go out on a date with but it doesn't mean that his mugshot didn't stop me in my tracks.
I like that the concern trolls want to remind us women that this guy is a criminal. I'm unsure how that fact might escape any of us. Additionally, LOL at not "glorifying criminals." We glorify questionable celebrities every damn day of the year. How is this new? Chris Brown anyone?
Newscaster seems like kind of an asshole. Also, very much missing the point. They're so eager to wag their fingers at the SiLlY women who are like "he's cute" and not talk about actual issues here, like how every day thousands of people who are less good looking than Meeks pass through a for-profit prison system,…
Yeah he's a felon. But he's a hot felon :-)
I agree. If he is innocent, it would be great if he could springboard the attention into a career. Watching the interview made me feel really bad for the people affected by his incarceration. His wife, his kid.
The guy being a sex offender makes this more disturbing. Is "bitch" how he thinks of young girls? Like it's their fault he's a sex offender?
If I were the mom I'd be upset about the tattoo, but even more upset that my daughter was spending the night with a registered sex offender.