Why blame her? Blame her idiot mom who put her out on this reality show in the first place. She better hope that the kid doesn't change because she is making a ton of money off of this.
Why blame her? Blame her idiot mom who put her out on this reality show in the first place. She better hope that the kid doesn't change because she is making a ton of money off of this.
That's what I thought, too. Constantly being trotted out as the meal ticket must be grating.
So, you're 8. The adults around you, for your entire life, have decided what you should do, what you should say, how you should act, and who you should be. A good chunk of your very short life has been spent doing interviews, doing promotional events, and producing a show that doesn't have to follow any of the child…
Oh, color me SHOCKED and AWED! How could anyone predict forcing a 6-year-old into dubious reality TV "stardom" and training her to perform on command like a trained monkey while depriving her of privacy, normalcy, and age-appropriate developmental support could've possibly resulted in a fucked up miserable kid?…
I always confuse her for Oscar Wilde.
An eight-year-old misbehaved and was difficult?
Yeah, some of these comments are actually kind of upsetting me. Calling this little kid names, I mean, she's 8 fucking years old and she's been in the spotlight for a few years already now. What did anyone expect?
Why in the world are we hating on/gossiping about a child, Jezebel? Good God.
she was being a nervous, whiny, self-conscious brat. that's what little 8-year-old girls are/do.
She always acts out when she's on a talk show or doing promotion type things. I think they make her deeply uncomfortable and since she's just a kid she doesn't really know how to act in those situations. Not making excuses for bad behavior, just saying that she isn't trained to behave the way a young Dakota Fanning…
Maybe she's tired of being other people's entertainment and just wants to be a normal kid who doesn't have to put on performances like this.
Gotta agree on that one. 8 year olds aren't responsible for being douchebags if they've never been taught otherwise.
Considering that Honey Boo Boo is only 8 years old, instead of coming down so hard on a child, maybe this person should redirect her anger at her parents. I don't know, her comments seem malicious.
Alana's an 8 year old reality TV star. I'm not sure we should be critiquing her behavior as much as the adults around her.
If you were a real baker, you would already know the answer to that.
Until they're as cold as your frigid heart, you nasty bitch!
So...like overnight then?