Kitty magnet

I'll play devil's advocate here a bit for the family with the dog now ... my brother is in the army and came about his dog under somewhat similar circumstances. There was no vindictive girlfriend selling it, but basically a 6 month or so old dog wandered up to his back door one day. No tags, so they took it to the

Isn't military in USA a professional service? I was under the impression that you voluntarily join the military, for a salary, under contract? No mobilization? I can understand if he was mobilized, asked to serve his country while it was being attacked-I saw it happen-all able-bodied men are called to serve the army.

I hate to get technical but if you join the military, you sign up to do whatever war activities the pricks in government decide to order you to do.

What's wrong with looking different? Anna couldn't even be bothered to even look slightly different at the "punk" Met Ball. I mean:

It's such a burden constructing an industry that forces under-fed girls to starve themselves so they can fit into clothing that the vast majority of people wouldn't be caught dead wearing.

In all fairness, 'celebrities' for the most part are not fashion-savvy as a career. They are actors, writers, comedians, singers, stars of home made sex tapes and socialites (whatever that means). Why are they expected to be original and daring with their fashion? Most of these people have other talents for which they

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I will see your kitten, and raise you a wolf pup with hiccups:

Oh yeah, I agree sometimes the ancient crap — and how the candidate talks about it now — actually says something about who a person is. For example, in addition to the headshaving thing, it says a lot that Romney still thought tying a dog's crate to the top of the family car was a funny anecdote.) But at the same

Ugh what a touchy situation. Here's my lesbian chef two cents. I think this is one of those situations where that disclosure of perspective is relevant.

Owners dont bite children. I was at the flea market the other day where my daughter was very close to a scuffle between two pit bulls which drew blood. the owners put it off as the dogs were playing. Yes many pit bulls are sweet. But that is what every pit owner says. about 10 years ago a pitbull jumped in my face and

That's some Grade A bullshit behavior right there. Someone needs to give that employee a wet backhand and an atomic wedgie.

Fuck those people. What kind of cruel monster would do say such a thing to a child? It's so sad that this little beautiful girl has already convinced herself that she's "ugly"! Fuck those people, seriously!

I'm really sick of the pro-pitbull crowd. There is a difference between being attacked by 3 pitbulls and being attacked by 3 chihuahuas. There just is.

Five minutes seems a little extreme to be calling the police over. I would wait closer to to ten to fifteen minutes. At least account for the fact that some people's clocks are off by five minutes...

Sometimes my husband and I use drop-in daycare for a few hours of sex at home. No alcohol involved. Sometimes we fall asleep/doze after. So far we've been good about setting an alarm half an hour before we need to go pick up the kids.

OR, she's a shift worker who doesn't have a 9-5 job, and that's why her kid is in a night daycare.

Daycare providers and schools usually require 2 emergency contacts in case the primary caregiver isn't there to pick the child up, giving them 3 separate people to attempt to call in cases like this.

Or also, doesn't "we're expecting" work too?