Kitty magnet

Not excusing the dispatcher's douche-ery, but man that job must suck. You are always dealing with people at what is most likely the worst time in their life and you have to interrogate them with enough speed to get them the assistance they need.

That being said. If you've reached the point that you can no longer give

First grade teacher here. Kids learn how to spell in "chunks". - ight is a phonics pattern we teach before o_e. Since come doesn't even follow the long O (o_e) pattern, it is a sight word, and not all kids memorize their sight words that easily (or apply it to spelling), and especially not before they know their

My only defense is that if a kid really loved buzz lightyear he might know how to spell his name but not other things. When I came to the US I learned how to spell Ariel before I could spell the, which I spelled like I pronounced it: Z

I'm surprised there hasn't been much talk about Miss Pennsylvania, whose story was that she was conceived as a result of her mother being raped and how she wanted to reach out to tell other people that they can achieve anything they want, regardless of where they come from. Given the stigma, I think it's a pretty

My grandfather was the first person to train a dolphin back in the early 60s. He had a large marina and someone brought him critically wounded dolphin whom he nursed back to health. She couldn't survive in the wild, so they kept her. My father did most of the training. He said she would routinely try to rape him.

I feel like we're really glossing over this tho "an experiment to teach dolphins to speak English."

So it's the marine mammal equivalent of letting your dog hump your leg? I'm going to give this a shrug except for the part about why NASA was researching dolphins.

Except I would bet my favorite vintage dress AND my dog that she never said that. It's all there, slur and all!, to make Franco feel superior. She probably knocked, he probably opened, they probably knocked boots. Nothing arty-farty about it.

It would certainly make this mess more interesting.

Poor Salinger, adopted by so many asshats. He's like a secular bible. A lot of BS can be justified in his writing.

The pot calling the kettle black. He'd be well advised to leave Lindsay alone and focus on refraining from taking selfies of his Johnson, his Yamaha, his Evinrude . . . .

So you know how sometimes your acquaintances get up in public and read the shitty poetry that "just came to them at 2am" and you cringe internally because it's so awful but they think it's beautiful and deep? No?

Well that's what this shit sounds like.

LMAO......dude, just admit that you banged her. 'Cause there is no fucking way I believe that you read Salinger to her.

Against Salinger? In my opinion: yes.

He's like a modern day version of those wealthy young upper class Victorian prettyboys who have the time and resources to self indulgently dabble in a lot of different artistic ventures but aren't exactly brilliant at any one thing in particular.

Is James Franco trying to tell us he's considering suicide?

I stopped reading after he first referenced the "Bananafish" story. NO YOU DO NOT JAMES FRANCO.

This always happens in any murder that is committed by children. They loved violent videogames, they drew violent pictures, they watched a horror film, they have goth parents...

Good thing they're in England. The OB/Gyn bills would be insane in the US.

The only time that caption would be appropriate is for the Future Farmers of America spread on prize-winning male goats.