That person

I wouldn't call orbital buildings and auto hygiene machines "awesome" .Who would want a machine tearing at tangles in their hair? It doesn't seem like the creators of the show were trying to predict actual future tech as much as they were just trying to make EVERY thing different than the present.

AHahahahha right. So in that case maybe all that future tech was developed out of necessity.

I was thinking the very same thing. I liked the comments lay out of yesteryear much better than the latest 2.

Hmmm for a light weight on an empty stomach that has the potential to go a pretty long way.

I can only see brick and mortar retailers having an issue if the same day service is free.

Generally when I hear the "Gate way drug" argument it's not so much about MJ directly leading to the other Drugs as it is about a relaxed attitude towards MJ leading to an increased openness to other harder substances. This especially can be true if the person has been given conflicting information about drugs in

I still don't understand why people think that Kenan Thompson is funny. The guy has ONE character and it's HIMSELF. Its painful to watch him on SNL literally being the exact same during skit after skit. It could have been ANY ONE else in this vid and the effect would have been the same. Back in the day KEL was the

This really isn't surprising considering that it was one of the most heavily marketed products I've seen come form Taco Bell in years.

I really hope they do but something tells me it's unlikely. The points system is yet ANOTHER way to further distance consumers from their money by making the actual prices more abstract. The thought of spending 400 points doesn't sting nearly as much as the thought of spending $5.

Yeah, I used to think that I understood the whole star system but lately I've been seeing a lot of pretty terrible comments being stared up the wazoo so I really don't know any more. I guess you just have to know the right people.

Hell, I remember when Giz ARTICLES were bright and immensely interesting. I think that they may have lost a few of their wittier fellows and fellowettes when they decided to post articles that are either extremely short, embarrassingly under researched, or only serve to link to OTHER websites.

Be it the result of a birth defect OR a car accident, a deformity is a deformity and I don't think it's disrespectful to say that both can be equally disturbing. Daniel Meyer's point seems to be that if you allow one type of image to be posted you're going to have to allow the other. Sure It's touching that this woman

Well the article states that " Wanting to share with her friends and family the little life that had come and gone, Heather Walker posted the photos to her Facebook profile. A tiny newborn in a knit hat, without a knit hat, in his mother's arms, in his father's. All perfectly appropriate birthday images."

It's because shes been marketed as zany and "approachable". The optimistic nerd figures that when approached she'd be much less likely to hurl acid on him than....lets say some uppity blond bombshell.

"I've been trying not to jump on the bandwagon of Gizmodo hate thats been going on but its really difficult not to do so when you guys post shit like this."

Now playing

It's one of the many UN FUNNY iterations of the wildly popular video " shit girls say". I'd definitely recommend giving the original a watch if you ACTUALLY want to see some real comedy.

Exactly. So many marketing mistakes It's unbelievable. I can't help but shake my head remembering that whole racist ad controversy over their "white is coming " psp promo. Seriously? No one caught that before it hit bill boards?!....You've got to be kidding me.

I see what you're saying. It definitely seems like a huge case of mismanagement where projects end up costing way more than anticipated and designers are pushed to create the next big thing when the smaller things aren't even selling. The company also seems to be spread rather thin and lacks the managerial resources

I think that the company just needs to make it's prices match it's current popularity, at least until it strengthens it's consumer base. Many of their products are up to 50% more expensive than comparable alternatives simply because they hold the Sony brand. Why would the average consumer pay $400 more for a VAIO that