That person

Okay, but beer is problematic, in part because some people are alcoholics. 

I assume their angles are clothing sales and adding to the current data mine of voice recordings and facial recognition AI. An Amazon clothing line sounds pretty plausible, and having a database of body types would help with design, manufacturing, and target marketing.

Right? I hate square screens on watches. Makes them look like a cheap toy watch you’d get a kid to play with.

Just please make one without a freaking ugly square screen!  Hopefully Google has some influence on this.

In 1991, I was 12-13 years old, the perfect age to find Ren & Stimpy a work of absolute genius. I loved the nihilism (though didn’t have that language at the time), the word play that skirted around what was allowable on TV, the gross out visuals, the fact my parents hated it, the fact whole groups of parents were

Now playing

i always found his shit annoying and ugly. no wonder it’s the product of an ugly mind.

The solutions are clearly obvious... You worded everything so well, I love it.

I’ve recently realized that most of those companies have made money or were built with those shit behaviors, so I get the feeling that there is something they feel like they will lose. They just don’t have the courage to lose it or/and talk