That person

I can totally relate! I had the very same issue with a Sony phone I purchased in 06. The design was great and it had tons of features, the only problem was that the software was extremely buggy. The glitches ended up being bad enough for them to issue a recall for all the phones of the series i'd purchased.

These are really good suggestions. Hell, they would have made a better article than the single tip the original writer painfully stretched into 5 paragraphs.

I think that people are complaining because (as many have mentioned) the article fails to deliver "17 Brilliant 3D photographs". Hell it barely delivers 5 Brilliant 3D photographs.

For all the people (like my self) who are wondering if they're just unable to see the effect, here is a site that has a LOT of great examples of what these photos were trying to achieve.

They totally took him from Mr Bean to Steven Seagal!

I encourage everyone to read the NY times article THEMSELVES before forming any opinions. It is FAR from properly summarized in this article.

If you can even FIND a pay phone. Most of the phone booths of my childhood have long since been gutted.

It sounds like you're explaining the typical I-max experience in my town. Tickets run about $17 but it's worth the extra money because you're guaranteed a good seat, the service is great and the auditoriums are always clean.

I see where you're coming from, but it seems to me that by making 2d and 3d prices equal the movie makers will no longer be under pressure to become well versed in "The language of creating 3d". Why would they take the extra time if people will end up purchasing tickets for the 3d showing just to feel like they're

Not gonna lie, I was thinking the very same thing.

Agreed. They're such eerie relics of years past. Very bitter sweet to see how the changing times have affected those types of places.

Agreed. Especially when you consider how often people are rebuying smart phones(early adopters replacing their first gen crappy versions) as well as how recently these phones have become affordable.

"Speed and miniaturization is making a phone the perfect replacement for a laptop and desktop computer."

Like on a gas pump :>

But doesn't the texture if the litter play a part in making the cat actually want to use it. Wouldn't they just go for something else in your house that more closely resembled litter? Something that they actually could dig up?

I can't imagine toilet training working for all cats. Since they instinctively like to scratch and dig to cover their poop even if you WERE able to get them to use the toilet, wouldn't they just be waiting for the right moment to poop some where else? (a la meet the parents).

Well Cars in itself is already pretty creepy and weird if you really think about it.

Yeah, I've thought the same thing. It's why I've always liked the chevron cars better. They were cute and the way they talked about the people that drove them made sense. When I watch cars I just can't help but wonder why the different sizes and shapes even exist if not to carry different numbers of humans. Also what

In my opinion, having the headlights function as the eyes is much less jarring than the appearance of those giant human eyes in the windshield. They could easily just black out the front windows the same as they currently do the sides and I doubt it would be a problem. I think that the main reason for the eye

WOw only $20 for something like that at the airport. I'd expect it to cost waaay more.