That person

The phone has a nice design but (not unlike many other modern cordless phones) looks like an ergonomic nightmare. I thought the whole point of a land line was to have something that actually fits your head to talk on every once in a while.

I could see myself wanting this as a kid but really only for the video game aspect and at that price point by the time enough birthdays/Christmases had passed for me to have plausibly obtained all the figures... I would have long since lost interest.


The movie you're talking about is called " Sound and fury" and I think you may be missing some pieces to how the story ends.

I think that Pixar merchandisers just made toys that looked like the CGI not the other way around. I wouldn't be surprised if the overall original design of the toys in the movie had a lot to do with how easy they would be to render.

What tablets looked like before the I pad according to this article.

Yea, this is a way better video. It actually looks like it's headed in the direction of non assisted sprinting while using the logical foot calf design of a current running prosthetic.

couldn't have said it better myself. I don't think that android is in trouble by any means.

I think it's more about the sizes of the kids.


Yeah, I read about this in a magazine years ago. It's all real food but its still not edible. The meat is only grilled on the outside so that its uniform. the buns are carefully picked to make sure they're perfect and the cheese is dipped in hot water so it looks freshly melted in the picture. Lettuce and pickles are

I don't see how superimposing would prove any thing when they've obviously altered the kids to look smaller. I think it's most apparent on the slide. It shows 2 kids on it at once (with ample room for a 3rd) but in the real picture the entire slide is smaller than one little girl.

Didn't they also become the majority share holder of "game stop"stock ? I always figured that was what was keeping them afloat.

Same here. I've always found the B&N stores to be very awkward and cramped regardless of size. The lay out is clunky and doesn't encourage the shopper to venture deeper into the store. Boarders always seemed much more open.

Yeah, I have totally seen that before. Shops like those appear almost over night and the employees are required to know absolutely nothing about the hand sets or services they're selling.

I love self checkout. It makes the lines at places like IKEA actually bearable. I really think that more NON grocery stores should consider them. It would give them more employees to have one the sales floor actually helping people.

"I think your shrink might recommend going shopping with a different attitude, perhaps looking for opportunities to bond with others."

My space just seems like some trashy 17 and under night club.

Quite the knee jerk assumption considering that every computer I've owned has been a windows machine AND the only smart phones I've used have been android. A REAL fan boy indeed.

The vibrant does look like the 3g, and so does the nexus prime. While the I phone 4 does slightly resemble the Prada, the actual design is so much more refined that it doesn't come of as an imitation.