That person

The only marginally good thing that could come out of this would be a larger selection of phones. Other than that there will be no advantage to existing t mobile customers. I'm going to hold on to my plan for dear life. I'm surprised that the FCC allowed this to happen. If I'm not mistaken they wouldn't let direc TV


I think that great customer service is invaluable when it comes to cell phone carriers. Mistakes happen, (even with the best companies) and when they do it's great to have a competent helpful individual on the other side. I've been with t-mo for years and when I call with questions or confusion, they can always

I'm well aware that it's natural for things to become obsolete. I just don't like it when the NEWER model is not only superior BUT ALSO less expensive and it's only been months. I'm not as willing to upgrade my console yearly like I am with my phone. I've always thought that the original DS was rushed out before the

@SageofMusic: Well, the ds lite came out like a year and a half after the original ds. It's launch price was cheaper and it had received some pretty drastic upgrades. I honestly wouldn't want to spend 250$ on something that's could be obsolete in 18 months.

THIS! seriously no one asked for things to be changed and theres no option to rearrange the law out to make it less smashed to the center : < .

Making money of the ignorance of people in love with the brand ? Sounds more like apple (and sony lol) than google to me. Heh they build trust in releasing a product then dropping the price by 200$ 3 months later (and after the price protection date).

Considering apple's massive following, huge app store and it's successful marketing strategies, the Xoom would need to be 4x superior in EVERY way for the average consumer to even consider it a better choice than the I pad2. How many people on the street would even know what you were talking about if you brought up

Very true, took the words right out of my mouth.

It's so horrible that it almost looks fake. Like a prop from a movie or something.

Yes ,I've "operated a remotely controlled car" before. It's how I know that controlling a 3 lb peace of plastic is different than maneuvering 2 tons of steel . Playing with an RC car may get a child more familiar with cars but saying that it comes close to driving is like comparing "OPERATION" to open heart surgery.

Yeah I was kinda hoping they MEANT for it to be crappy. I don't quite understand the motion lines on the car paired with the obviously static back ground : < .

I strongly believe that even stupid 90's movies had way more attention to story line that many of the films that come out today. Just take a movie like "junior" Hilariously stupid plot but still STILL wasn't nearly as infuriating to watch as " the last air bender". Nowadays studios rely waay to much on special effects

I'd rather have no video at ALL than this pointless assault on my ear drums. NOT funny ONLY unpleasant.

SECONDED. Anthropomorphic cars are just a fantasy world that I can't get into. When watching i just keep asking questions like "why do they have doors if there aren't people there to get inside" and "where did all these human things like buildings etc come from". I also find the way the human characteristics are

Agreed. I was really disappointed to hear that movie was coming out, of all the sequels they could have made. I expected at lot more from pixar than a secret agent TRUCK.

I wasn't aware that standing over a remote control car was in any way related to being inside and controlling a real one.

@snownpaint1: I wasn't denying that the slang words existed, only telling you that I've never heard any one (ESPECIALLY someone black) actually say that phrase. SO it comes off as more insulting than stereotypical. Same with the whole "It love me long time".

@snownpaint1: I for one have never, in my life heard any human being so much as utter the phrase " Bomb-diggity shiznit".

@AnikaG: Agreed. Most people paying 99 cents for a taco are going to expect beef in the same way some one opening a jolly rancher expects fruit lol .