That person

@wombatmanperson: Or angel fire lol. I'm surprised there aren't glittering basket balls trailing behind the curser.

@burtonbandit: I really agree. I mean I love technological advances as much as the next guy but seriously it seems like it's done irreparable damage to the collective attention span. I guess it's as small price to pay though for less gimmicky technology that actually does what it advertises.

@ScottPilgrim: Yeah if you're into anime at all then I'd give their "interstella" music videos a watch. I remember appreciating the songs more after they were paired with such beautiful visuals.

@ScottPilgrim: I'd definitely give their discovery era things a listen. Personally I find their later stuff to be a tad repetitive.

@LPAkira: Regardless of the program's features and the artist's ability to use them, it's still hilariously expensive for some one who lacks the disposable income.

I'm wondering why no one has mentioned sai painter. I really prefer it over the less intuitive corel painter or the hilariously expensive (but easily torrented) photo shop. Seriously I'm wondering how many artists actually pony up the cash for these new iterations.

@sexyrobot: sai painter is also really great and ......rather easy to find on the free side.

@OtherTimes: Yeah you can kinda tell it's not that easy by how awkward she looks.

@Alexander: Yeah Americans are awesome, we tip everyone.

@jeralddoerr: You don't need to line up the shadows to tell that this is an obvious shoop. The bigger question is why GIZ even used this image instead of the more realistic one from the link.

What they need to work on is how strange her neck and hands look. It would really help the creep factor if those connections were better integrated into the design.

@Powerlurker: Still doesn't change the fact that if the owner goes bankrupt then the franchise can go down too. If some one makes some bad investments they can loose a franchise even if its doing well.

@khdownes: Honestly for a single guy living alone that sounds doable. However for a lower income family, with two working parents it honestly sounds easier said than done. The bottom line is that its a dick move to judge and look down on people when you don't know their situation.

@Antoine Prince: Saying that you look down on fat people DOES make you sound like an dick. Especially considering that its possible to be fat and eat organic.

@Myklsan: Well it kind of looks like demolition or something is happening behind the sign so I dunno. It just seems like that there are lot of other reasons for a McD's to go under aside from the food being more expensive and less available.

@Powerlurker: If the owner of a franchise goes bankrupt then their stores can go under regardless of how well the chain is corporately managed.

How do we know that McDonalds didn't go under because of a glutted market or a mismanaged franchise ?

@Antoine Prince: I don't eat processed food but it surely doesn't put me or YOU on any sort of pedestal. There are people who can't afford to eat healthy and those sort of pompous judgments are the last thing they need.

@jbrecken: I'm thinking they're those little cut outs on the inside of the front wheel. They probably flip out into pedals.