Chris Crockett

I say this as respectfully as possible, but I could not disagree with you more! I'd love to catch a ride on the CatBus!

If Gamma radiation were all that, we'd all be green and half-deaf, and nobody would like us when we're angry…

Whatever. In my house the Drop Of The Pounds happens every time my wife takes her bra off…

Ah but the Rainbow Bridge means he'll get to meet all his beloved pets again, all happy and healthy and waiting for him to arrive. My vet sent me a card that spoke of this and it was comforting, even though I don't believe in an afterlife. And now I'm tearing up because I miss my cat…

"You know what I want? Some of that lettuce! Or, actually, can I have all of it, and the bunny that's attached to it? He is attached, right? Can I have the bunny and the lettuce?"

Real men don't need helmets! - Any Harley-Davidson rider

Sounds about right. I have used reading glasses ever since my cataract surgery to compensate for my complete lack of near focus and I can buy them at my local Target for $10 apiece. It's a huge improvement from the days when I spent almost $400 for a pair of prescription glasses to correct my extreme

Yeah, in hindsight I think you're right. I thought it was said, but I seem to be the only one who heard it. I guess tinnitus sounds like the word 'husband'…

Plus killing a little person on national TV would be like killing a unicorn…

You say "Nitpicker" like it's a bad thing…

I did not even think of that! That would explain why he was a bit older than her too…

Here's the most glaring problem I found, based on years of academic study of antiquity. The pyramid had no facing on it! The Monks have been watching humanity since time immortal, and so they would have seen how the Egyptians put an outer layer of smoothed limestone on the exterior to finish off the appearance of

And he didn't want to go either… twice!

And without the Colin Baker-ish wardrobe to drag it down! That's a win-win!

That was the biggest sticking point with me: Why did she need to prop the door open at all if her husband was still inside and could open the door for her? Also, why wouldn't she keep a pair of reading glasses at work? Unless things work differently in Britain, reading glasses are cheap and no one has only one pair

My favorite episode has to be The Papal Chase. Seeing Archer and Pam dressed in high Vatican fashion (and Cyril's reaction, however faked, to them) is priceless, along with Archer's benediction "Et cetera, et cetera…". Every time I hear Cheryl and Pam cuss for their blasphemy (Jesus Christ! *gasp* SHIT! *gasp*

Agreed, Sir! LOL! Cydogs it is! Err, CyDobies?

For me, Dreamland was a big improvement over Season Seven (which STILL isn't available on Blu-Ray! Animation looks better in high def!). It certainly wasn't perfect, but existing as it does at the crossroads of nuttiness and noir, overall it was funny and entertaining. Who else but Barry could have been the baddie

Cyborgs, actually. Cyborg Dobies.

That was hands down the best part of the episode. No coincidence that my favorite episode of Archer also has the Pope and random Catholic silliness (Jesus Christ…-SHIT! Goddamnit! -SHIT!) and that made me laugh just as hard!