Chris Crockett

But let's give some well deserved credit where credit is due… the actor that plays Shinwell is named Nelsan Ellis, and I think he's fantastic! To make one so thoroughly despise his character takes real talent, and I think he should be given a serious "Bad Guy Award" at the earliest opportunity!

I noticed that too. I'm really beginning to wonder if Tilda is so sociopathic that she just enjoys putting bloody knives and swords into the scabbards for visual effect or if she's just really sloppy. And how do any of them get their outfits clean after a day's bloodletting? I can barely get a spot out of a cotton

I'm ready to be done with Shinwell. Honestly, I was tired of the character by the third episode and every time he shows up my daughter claims she can hear the sound of my eyes rolling over her headphones. I don't care anymore what happens to him, as long as he just GOES AWAY! And after tonight's episode I'd laugh

I wish Pam would get to wear her hair down more often. It really suits her well. Also, in the picture at the beginning of the piece, the only person who looks nervous that Pam is tearing her dress off is Lana, and has that look for good reason. I love watching Pam fight; she may lack the grace and precision of

* Gasps * It's just like the old gypsy woman said!


You hated Atlanta too, as I recall…

When I was twelve, I started getting into AC/DC and picked up a copy of Who Made Who when it came out. When I saw Angus' SG, I thought it was the coolest looking guitar I'd ever seen and of course immediately wanted one. Took me over thirty years to manage to get one and actually keep it. I didn't know that Peter

A true hipster would have had an Ibanez lawsuit guitar that was a knockoff of a Rickenbacker. Hell, I'd love to have the Ibanez lawsuit copy of a Ric 4001… some guy online bought one and refurbished it with all new and nice pickups, wiring, etc. The piece-de-resistance of the bass though was the custom truss cover

I know what you mean. Mine is a Gibson SG Special Faded in worn cherry. Base model, stripped down and lightweight. Easily the best guitar I've ever had. Epi's are cool, I guess I'm kind of a snob 'cause Angus and Iommi play Gibsons, lol.

Well, glad that The Doctor had a proper guitar, a cherry red SG, even if it was an Epiphone instead of a proper Gibson. I guess all those improvements to the TARDIS have put him on a budget. The Bigsby-style tremolo was a nice touch too. This has been a decent season… looking forward to more! In the meantime, more

Soft Corinthian Leather (RIP Mr. Montalban)