hooooly shit, how did I miss that he was in Overboard? I don't even know how many times I've watched that movie. I just always think of him as the creepy head vampire from The Lost Boys.
hooooly shit, how did I miss that he was in Overboard? I don't even know how many times I've watched that movie. I just always think of him as the creepy head vampire from The Lost Boys.
I'm a little freaked out by this, but not enough to stop going there.
and at least you can get donuts at DD.
Please tell me that next year you'll be re-gifting that Kit-Kat bar to her.
not gonna lie, I was kind of hoping the reveal would be that.
I'd like to volunteer to be kissed by Rosario Dawson next.
I lost it to a dude I was dating who was six years older than me. He was kind of a loser (he'd lost his license due to a DUI and had to rely on a high-schooler (me) to drive him to work every day) , but I can't say I'm really *embarrassed* about it. Wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible.
wait, is this new? I swear I saw a Britney one when I was in Vegas last year. or maybe just an ad that it was coming?
Sounds like Innocent Blood, but more awesome.
Oded Fehr, assuming that his advice would be to date him.
Having had to deal with JHU students for several years (I lived and worked in Charles Village during my college years while attending a different school), nothing about this surprises me.
Out of all the questionable things with this ad, the fact that he uses "Aryan ancestry" strikes me as the most questionable.
I was not prepared for that.
and to the numbskulls all 'suuuuuure they did', why don't you read the fucking article where the guy says that most of the white guys, for one reason or another, got edited out?
The white guys got edited out: http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_facto…
I was hoping to see this referenced.
bullshit. I grew up in a small-town where I was the only minority for about 50 miles and had to deal with this on the regular ever since I was 12.
I've been so disappointed so many times by favorite celebrities of mine saying dumbass and ignorant things in interviews, it's always an utter delight to see one of Daniel Radcliffe's. PLEASE NEVER DISAPPOINT ME, YOU TINY AWESOME PERSON. *____*