I auditioned for that show! and came nowhere close to making it. sigh sigh.
I auditioned for that show! and came nowhere close to making it. sigh sigh.
Charlie is a complete marshmallow. My other cat, however...
wait, is that actually Shauna in the header image? because that is soooooo not okay, Sad Sack Sam.
wait, what does it say about me that I was quoting all those lines right along with him?
Drove to West Virginia.
That's my biggest problem with it, too. I mean, I'm not surprised but especially with a more unconventional show platform, it would've been nice for them to take a chance on a transgender actress.
3000 points to Gryffindor!
Have you heard the story about the dead bug collections? because it is too stupidly adorable. and a little gross, but mostly adorable.
aaand Frog.
I was so excited about this season, especially when the news about including Edward Mordrake came out, but then I saw the picture of the clown and now I don't know.
Dear PA and MD:
I don't know how to feel about how upset this makes me. This is, like, Poehler-Arnett split levels of upsetting to me.
Just become a graphic designer! A couple of years ago, I was out with a friend who was stressing out because she was afraid her tattoos would keep her from being employed, and I thought about for a moment and told her, "I don't think there's a single person on our [absurdly large] design team who doesn't have at least…
"Found a nice girl for you today, son. No previous owners. Checked under the hood and all the parts are in excellent working condition."
OH! I just linked to your tumblr on FB last week. It's my new favorite.
Because sometimes any response is an invitation to constant harassment and abuse. I used to reply to every message I got when I started with online dating, but that got old quick. For every guy who was polite when I said I wasn't interested, there were about a dozen who either harrassed me to try and change my mind,…
I had decided that my walk-up music would be "Spice Up Your Life", but I'm changing my answer to this.