
RIGHT? He still looked good in GotG, but he got really lean for Jurassic World and I'm not happy about it. His face looks weird now.

I'll be even more in love with him when he gets chubby again. CHUBBY PRATT 4EVA!!!

I am so cautiously hopeful about this.

sooo...exactly how far is he planning on going to look exactly like Ken? Does this include the blank crotch?

Not mine - I love all of my tattoos - but a friend of mine got a fairy on her left arm when she was...I think 19. and it was the ugliest damn mess. We nicknamed it Stinkerbell. Sadly, she got it covered, and I mourn the loss every time I see her. because it was truly, truly awful.

Whenever I'm reminded that Misty Copeland didn't start dancing until she was 13, I feel such a mixture of insane jealousy and overwhelming awe.

Obviously what needs to happen now is for Selena and Miranda to start dating each other.

I'm sorry, am I comprehending your post wrong when you said: "Unless she's screaming "F*** you n-words" as she does it I think you're over-thinking this." Because it sure reads to me like if it isn't racist toward black people, then it doesn't count.

right, because racism only concerns white and black people.

...yay equality?

Can somebody please tell me that the movie isn't as bad as the trailer makes it look re: racism? Because the trailer made it look like she straight up killed a guy for not speaking English.

All I want in life now is someone who loves me enough to compare me to a fighter jet or a dinosaur. Because that's kind of awesome.

Sometimes I think that I would like Larry more if anyone but Jason Biggs played him. I mean, not enough to justify all the screen time the character gets, but at least I wouldn't want to punch my TV every time he's on.

oh god, that "Bleeding Love" routine still tears me up inside.

Just their fingertips.

Because searching for an apartment in NYC sucks and I wasn't making a lot of money at the time, so I didn't feel like I had a lot of options. It didn't really start grating on me until the third year anyways, especially coupled with a couple of neighborhood problems. So I started saving up and finally was able to move

That was basically it. She brought him home, he lived with us for three months, then skipped town because our local nazis found out he was living with a Jewish girl. He was actually pretty polite for a hateful close-minded bigot.

I don't think so, but they weren't helping. I managed to finally get rid of the fruit flies by basically hunting them down one by one (spray bottle filled with hot soapy water. It clings to them so they drown.) Keeping food and dirty dishes out of the way just gave them fewer places to breed and feed.

One summer we had a massive fruit fly problem. I researched every solution I could find and tried them all, and my roommate at the time did nothing. When I finally gave up and suggested that we should just start washing our dishes after every use and making sure no food was being left out, she kinda shrugged her

I've seen the elevator thing but it's usually because the person wasn't paying attention. They always step back once they realize people are trying to get out.