as I remember, it was something along the lines of really enjoying the story and the whole world Suzanne Collins had built, but feeling he could've related to it more if Katniss had been male.
as I remember, it was something along the lines of really enjoying the story and the whole world Suzanne Collins had built, but feeling he could've related to it more if Katniss had been male.
This reminds me of a comment I saw - maybe here, maybe on tumblr, I can't remember - from a woman whose boyfriend was all, "I really liked The Hunger Games, but what if the main character had been a boy?" and she rightly called him out on his bullshit.
UGH, RIGHT? I stared at the headline for a few minutes trying to think of any way I could be reading it wrong, but no.
Alex Minsky is ridonkulous.
In my defense, I fast-forwarded through all their scenes.
oh god I thought I was going crazy thinking the exact same thing. I thought maybe she was supposed to be Russian until her flashback episode.
"RUN, NUNS, RUN!" was so fucking perfect.
right? I've heard such good things about both of them. This makes me stupidly happy.
I went to see a midnight showing of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre prequel and some dumbass brought her tiny daughter - must have been 4 or 5 years old. Needless to say, the kid wasn't into the movie, but her mom still let her scream for 10 minutes before leaving in a huff.
Trust me, I wanted nothing more than to go there someday with him.
yeah, this was my experience. I actually had two OKC accounts - one for men and one for women - because I got so fed up with guys wanting me to hook up with their girlfriends, even after I put 'NO COUPLES' in my profile.
Nope, cat is still an asshole because now the roll is going the wrong way.
If only! All of my co-workers hated the movie.
I used to work at a video store and I would play this movie EVERY. SINGLE. SHIFT.
I really hope this lady is featured on the show at some point:…
1) Francesa is a douche. Always has been, always will be. I did expect better from Boomer, though. :(
This movie was such an important part of my formative years. The soundtrack was the first album I bought for myself all on my own, and I still have it to this day.