I keep pimping them but only because they are an awesome company that makes and sells awesome clothing: Pinup Girl Clothing is 20% off the entire site.
I keep pimping them but only because they are an awesome company that makes and sells awesome clothing: Pinup Girl Clothing is 20% off the entire site.
I think I cried during most of this movie. I WAS NOT PREPARED FOR THAT.
I can't think of that because then I will HAVE to hunt it down and watch it (nevermind that I own it on DVD.)
Evan Peters' ass really needs to start getting its own credit on this show.
Agreed. Tom Hiddleston is delightful. Loki? Not so much.
ahahaha, no, not at all. I did read a Transformers fic once and it pretty much scarred me for life.
I can see them trying to do that, but so far, for me, it seems like they're trying to get us to pity her.
The difference for me is that Anya is a fictional character, while not only was LaLaurie real, so were the people she tortured and murdered. She doesn't get to have a redemption arc.
I loved so much about this episode, but so help me if they try to make LaLaurie a sympathetic figure...
I have two!
Yes, but what does it say about the quality of those messages? (Speaking as an Asian woman who has been on several online dating sites, yes I've received a crapton of messages, but rarely any that made me want to reply back to the person.) (But maybe that's because I live in Brooklyn and am too picky.)
The only day that I love more than Halloween is November 1, aka National Half-Off Candy Day.
I like to think of it as his OKC profile pic.
When I was younger, I realized that a nerdy smile and a sweet personality isn’t enough to attract beautiful women.
It's from an episode of Tales from the Crypt.
I loooooove the Vamp dress and tops (and pretty much everything for PUG.) I just bought it in tiger and want to wear it everywhere.