oh man, I had the same thing happen to me a few years ago. I was all, "YES! FLEAS! I CAN DEAL WITH THIS!"
oh man, I had the same thing happen to me a few years ago. I was all, "YES! FLEAS! I CAN DEAL WITH THIS!"
I feel like there's a joke to be made here referencing the Bourne movies, but it's too hot for me to think of one.
HOLD UP. Tell me more about this Cat College.
AGREED. I read this article a few days ago and promptly went out and bought a new pair of flip-flops.
I probably should've clarified because, yes, I'm fine with leggings under skirts and dresses and the like. But as pants? no.
er, no. Wear skirts as short as you want at whatever age you are and whatever size you are. Leggings are ugly.
No, not really because bikinis are awesome and leggings are not.
DISAGREE: Leggings are never age-appropriate.
The only way that gif could be more perfect is if they were wearing tiny little robes.
you are thereafter entitled to swim in the same sea of federal bennies as us heteros.
They also have photos of cakes and dishes on their FB page that they stole from elsewhere.
You are remembering correctly. /also embarrassed by her knowledge of this
My last roommate was not a clean person. She barely cleaned up after herself, much less helped out with cleaning the apartment. At one point, our apartment had an infestation of fruit flies. After trying every single method I could google to get rid of them (she, of course, offered no assistance in this endeavor), I…
Being overweight is more dangerous than anorexia? Thank you, Dr. Karl.
Perfect GIF is perfect.
I'm convinced the guy on the far left is Justin Timberlake in disguise, followed by Seth Meyers.
What? Is she funny or something?
I'll never forget the outrage from East Coasters (or, maybe just my obnoxious friends) when Die Hard with a Vengeance came out and McClane said somebody was on "the 695."
well, I always figured it was healthier to be 100 lbs overweight than 100 lbs underweight.