Catherine Heathcliff

He peaked as Andy Dwyer. I haven’t seen him in anything else and don’t plan to. And yeah, his public persona is...blech.

Pratt seems like a Nice Guy, and it’s clear he has good intentions, but Evangelicals are The Worst. Following the doctrine* prevents you from being a genuinely good person 90% of the time.

I have a very short commute and my radio pre-sets are almost all classic rock. Sometimes the only exposure I get to What The Kids Are Listening To is tv commercials or at my salon. I’m also chronically 5 years late to pop culture, so, yeah, I believe this.

only if his head has made room for it, i suspect.

I hope they go more traditional this time.  I’m hoping Adam for a boy, Mae if it’s a girl.

Gavin de Becker’s book Protecting the Gift was eye opening, too, and greatly influenced how I raised my (now young adult) child. For example, instead of telling your kids to avoid strangers (a la “stranger danger” mentality), he recommends that you teach your kids TO talk with strangers, beginning in controlled

“Derrick-owning despots peeked at pics in meet with Pecker.”

Even more importantly, this is about a media empire trying to force the owner of a major newspaper to drop an investigation into corruption /collusion between the president of the US, a foreign power, and said media empire.

“A peck of private pecker pics”, says private dick de Becker.

This flippant tone seems really inappropriate when covering a horrendous invasion of privacy. Revenge porn is a form of sexual assault. This is not a “dick measuring contest” between two men, it’s one man revealing threats of sexual assault made against him by another. I get that Bezos is not a pleasant person, but I

How many pecker pics would a prick named Pecker present if a prick named pecker could present pecker pics?

Not sure about the level of snark dedicated to the part about the struggles of a newer marriage and being newlyweds. If you didn’t live with your spouse before getting married, the first year is a legit shitshow of “why do you wash your dishes likes this” and “if you breathe this loud one more time while watching True

Can the Democrats really do no better than two white men in blackface and a black man who is being accused of rape by a black woman?

Jimmy Savile, Jerry Sandusky and Michael Jackson used charity as a way to rise above suspicion while getting access to a vulnerable pool of potential victims, and increase the odds that anyone who could catch them in the act had a reason to look the other way. The facility is fine only as long as Tyler isn’t allowed

Thank you for finally covering this.

Now playing

Left Eye broke it down for artists years ago. Behind the Music should be required viewing for anyone trying to make it in the music industry.

Clearly he’s someone that lived in Atlanta during the years in his life, where it mattered. That city means more to him than any city in the U.K. I’m not sure why its a big deal to people? How many songs about Los Angeles or New York are written by people that are not originally from there? Or shit, even my entire

I’m not super familiar with 21 Savage’s music, but I firmly believe that his detention is retaliation for making public comments about ICE/CBP. In addition to applying for a visa two years ago, he has had numerous brushes with law enforcement in the past decade and was convicted of a felony back in 2014. There is no

I can’t figure out how he combs it like that. It looks like a head of lettuce. Layers upon layers