
Right, his actual job is distracting the American people while the rest of his party appoints judges and thousands of bureaucrats to "interpret" existing regulations, deciding which rule to enforce and which ones to ignore. All the while the media's crying because the press secretary won't hand them information,

It's the same thing when the next door neighbor of the murder victim says "That kind of thing doesn't happen in THIS KIND OF NEIGHBORHOOD." Or the suddenly serious opiod epidemic, something that's only supposed to happen in THAT KIND OF NEIGHBORHOOD.

The whole administration DGAF because voters are disposable the minute they walk out of the voting booth but Trump doesn't bother to hide it.

at least Putin's getting his money's worth.

if the child was born female and transitioned in highschool to male and Bucknell withdrew the scholarship because it was part of a Women In Technology program - now there's a plot!
She wants to go to Bucknell and we can't afford it so instead we'll run up a huge legal bill - not so much.

They just benefited from it and it makes them very anxious when somebody points it out.

if you had the money and power little donnie has would you be spending your time whining that Mika's being mean to you? That being said, if Joe and Mika really want to PO the POTUS they'd start wondering publicly who's running the country because donnie sure ain't. They'd stop showing his face every three minutes

Why should she lie about something she's not ashamed of?

I'd imagine after you've seen lots of people die you loose the capacity to break down over each and every one. Is she supposed to react like Missy and suddently break down into crying jags?

And that's worse than being hunted down and murdered, how?

Well, he probably wasn't a 6 foot tall blue eye blond unless the myth at his father was a Roman soldier and Mary had to come up with some reason for the pregnancy is true.

I suppose the BBC forgot to put "whites only" on the casting call for extras. And you didn't have a problem with a sea monster pooping factory fuel because that's so historically accurate.

What did you do, freeze frame to count the extras and do the math? Too many black people on your TV machine annoys you that much?

Why do people think they ONLY hacked the DNC? I find it hard to believe the RNC's computer security was that much better. Gotta be a reason everybody's falling in line. On the other hand, if we have to be ruled by the Russians at least it wasn't a bloody invasion Red Dawn style.

Can you imagine if President Clinton (I mean Hillary) had done half the things that he's done? If Spicer was a woman with all that cray-cray talk?

That would be hard work. He's not particularly into that.

Oh Lord it's hard to be humble
When you're perfect in every way
I can't wait to look in the mirror
Cause I get better looking each day
To know me is to love me
I must be a hell of a man
Oh Lord It's hard to be humble,
But I'm doing the best that I can

Why can't he? Why can't he walk away and be just another good looking man walking down the street? He can have those things anytime he wants to. He chooses money and fame and there's a price to pay. So pay or make another choice. It's simple really.

you always want to ask "if nobody's covering it how did you hear about it?"

Remember the Maine! That was 1898. Propaganda ain't new.