
I don't understand "we don't have the financial security to adopt". Is the adoption process that expensive compared to the cost of raising kids?

that kind of money must mean they had thousands of viewers. It a sick world we live in.

Not to Ja Rule - take a lesson from POTUS call if "fake news" and blame Obama.

And how many "Hollywood liberals" want to "start the conversation" on diversity while churning out tons of "straight white male saves the world"?

Where I fault Hopkins is when they realized the HeLa cell line was contaminated and went back for blood samples from the family and made no effort to explain what they were doing and why.
Taking the original sample, not so much.

See the lead paint study, and this was in thee 1990s, where Hopkins (ie Kennedy Kreiger Institute) purposely put poor, black children in lead paint containment houses to see what's the minimum lead abatement a landlord can get away with.

They still do this. Courts have ruled anything they remove from your body, ie biopsy samples, is "medical waste" and can used however they want. See this guy - he doesn't even own his own spleen.…

Sorry, I didn't know you're in charge of what's good and what's bad fiction. I'll keep that in mind from now on.
Sometimes people pull together and get things done, even the ones you want to call "garbage". That happens in real life so I don't see how it happening in a TV show is "bad fiction" But if weaponizing

Her plan worked - what's better than that?

So you don't think much of George Washington and the founding fathers?

Because the earthers didn't use her for target practice?

it makes sense to me that Champa would give up his seat to Naomi because she's an engineer, not because she's Naomi. If anything goes wrong on the ship she's the only person who can fix it. That's an important skill.

Having a plot is pretty much the definition of fiction. Naomi saved 50 lives, sorry if that irritates you. You sound like you think Naomi's actions are outside of "the plot".

Watching somebody sit around waiting to make a decision until they're absolutely sure they're in no personal risk - that's drama all right!

Kosher Coke (a yellow cap instead of the red cap). Kosher for Passover = Cane Sugar instead of corn syrup. Only available for the next couple of weeks.

took the bail and cashed the check.

or as in every other comment in buzzfeed - it's just a commercial, lighten up!

The only way it could have been worse would have been to cast Ivanka Trump.