
So I'm guessing Ivanka was busy that day?

Why did Jenner do this ad? The same reason they all do anything. For the money!

Where the continuing of automation of all segments of society, plus the increasing human population forces governments to look for a way to allow people to contribute to society when work wasn't available. A monthly stipend at least allows them to be a consumer, albeit a poor one.
That's not happening now so

Look around. Poor people in cities and Appalachia are getting basic support (ie food stamps, housing vouchers, welfare if they qualify) and they're living in lead paint infested rowhouses and meth infested farmhouses. Why would the future be any different?

Or maybe like America today, somebody in your family is in trouble with the law for whatever reason you don't want to register. Right now people are refusing to register for benefits an American citizen is eligible for because someone else in the family is undocumented. Why would the future be any different?

But why do the "rich stay rich"? Maybe because the people who benefit from a system have no incentive to change that system? Maybe because the rich are very good at convincing the poor that the system is far and if you work hard you too can join the club.

Funny, i didn't think it was squalid enough. Of course it was daytime but an unarmed, as far as they can see, disoriented woman wandering through the hood?n Or maybe they knew how to recognize Martians and to leave them alone because it would trigger a reaction from the police, who ignore 90% of what happens in bad

In real life female Marines aren't necessarily built like Amazons. And in shots of her team back on Mars they all looked fit but not musclebound.

They could have so easily gone into the city and lured some poor kid into the car on the pretense of offering him a job. Or so they tell me.

i thought the glasses were expensive - therefore unusual - therefore a narrow pool of suspects. And Bobby Franks was rich. L&L would have definitely have gotten away with it if they'd picked some poor ghetto kid from the tenements.

So why doesn't Brad just ask his wife why she got fired? Hanky-panky in the storeroom?

he makes $7 an hour but he has a million dollar heart! Now that's writing!

Maybe "bye" means something else where she comes from. Or maybe she gets paid by the post.

"grab 'em by the p*ssy" seemed to work out pretty well for Conservatives. Talk about going low.

Which is the reason why Dolt45's convinced that Obama bugged Trump Tower. Every room at Marlargo is bugged so….

She's a pretty white lady in America. I think she's gonna be okay.

Maybe all that was in the book. I'm watching a TV show where none of that was shown. What I heard was that the ship was docked at the station for some other reason at the time of the mirror crash and was pressed into service as emergency transport. What I saw was refugees being ID'd at their destination. My

I'm watching the TV show, not reading the books so at this point Mao and his pet weasel at the UN are winning the asshole prize.

It's always different when people we like/can relate to do something shitty, isn't it?

Who knew? Apparently that's a newsflash to half the posters here.