
Also annoyed at how Gemma and Oscar (??) got shipped off of Grandma's and apparently Oscar never made it back. But I would say Felix and Sarah are foster kids which is why their last name isn't Sadler. I agree it's irritating when a show acts like something is an "IMPORTANT PLOT POINT" and then it's never mentioned

Just wondering - what did you want to see happen?
"And they all lived happily, more or less, ever after" is good enough for me.

Sarah wasn't the nicest person in the world before the whole clone situation but I'm putting bashing in Westmoreland's head down to PTSD. The dude practically wanted to grab a butcher knife and carve the babies out of Helena if Coady hadn't been there. Also, after seeing so many people who appeared to have died pop

Actually he WAS a senior engineer, one of thousands they have there, who did something an intern would have known not to do And by the way, go to work and look at porn and see how 'I not using work time to do this" works out. Even if he wrote the manifesto on his lunch break he still wrote it on company equipment

What slashing attack? The whole point of the show is the women look identical. They've established that young Rachel looks like young Sarah but all of a sudden young Helena looks different than her identical, share the womb, twin? And even noticing that is a slashing attack (on the actress I presume is the way you

You know you're in Canada when a cop is worried about getting in trouble for shooting a black guy with gunpowder residue on his hands.
Kinda of a nice callback to Art's original introduction as the guy who planted a gun on Maggie Chin to help Beth cover up that shady shooting.

And are you aware of the phenomenon of acting? Where an actress can play more than one role? Or are you only familiar with type-casting where an actress has to play the same role for the rest of her life?
Whetever, I'm sure Cynthia's gonna be fine.

I'm not being nasty, apparently the directors/producers/whoever makes the decisions at Orphan Black HQ don't think Cythnia's acting skills are good enough so they recast the role. I think the cut in pay she took from not appearing in the episode is a lot nastier than anything I can say.

Yet somehow they end up with all the real power in America, the government. Go figure.

At my work an email like that would generate a reply-to-all storm of "please remove me from this distribution" which spawns a "don't use reply all" tornado. Good times.

If you want privacy don't use the company's resources. You give up all expectation of privacy when you do that and if he wasn't so busy cherrypicking the company handbook for something to cry about he would have known that.
He was probably mad becaause his office mate, who spends her time writing code instead of

Maybe if Mr. Engineer spent more time writing code and less time writing 10 page manifestos (on company time, using company resources) he'd have better career advancement. Just the kind of thing a mentor would mention to him.

have no trouble believing that "crazy person who speaks Ukrainian" might have been too far a stretch for someone who has done quite well as the reserved and well-behaved Charlotte and Rachel.

So in other words the producers didn't have enough confidence that Cynthia is a good enough actress to do it or the director isn't good enough to get that performance from her?

I found it distracting. Ledas are genetically identical but were raised by random families and have totally different personalities. The Castors were raised like a wolf pack by one psychotic mother and had somewhat similar personalities, execpt for Mark who was out undercover where he bonded with Grace and Ira who

Use a wig? Plus we've only ever seen Charlotte with her hair in braided. It could be curly for all we know.

Did he explain why they had Kira say to Charlotte "You look like my mom as a kid" land have Charlotte respond "I don't think about it anymore" ast week?

Coady didn't want it done but apparently it wasn't a dealbreaker when she heard about it.

Then why have Kira say, just last week, "You're what my mom looked like as a kid" to Charlotte?

the worst thing about Aynsley's death is her children found the body. Not that Allison planed it that way but talk about scared for life.